Principal Secretary definition

Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relating to finance;
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary in the State Department for the time being responsible for mining;
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary in the ministry responsible for matters relating to registration of persons”

Examples of Principal Secretary in a sentence

  • In the event of any Dispute between the Parties, either Party may call upon the to the Principal Secretary, Public Assets Management Department and the Authorized representative of Allottee for amicable settlement, and upon such reference, the said persons shall meet no later than 7 (seven) days from the date of reference to discuss and attempt to amicably resolve the Dispute.

  • Except for a dispute in connection with Termination, in which respect the decision of the Hospital Authority shall be final, any dispute between the Parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement including the meaning or interpretation of any of the terms set out hereto or any other matters which cannot be resolved through good faith negotiations shall be finally referred to an arbitrator appointed by the Principal Secretary, DoHFW, GoWB.

  • In the case of a dispute or difference arising between the Purchaser and a Contractor relating to any matter arising out of or connected with the contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred to the sole arbitration of an officer in the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal, appointed to be the arbitrator by the Principal Secretary to that Department.

  • When a dispute arises under this agreement, the parties shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve through good faith negotiation, failing which they will attempt at dispute resolution with the intervention of the Principal Secretary, the DoHFW, GoWB.

  • Failing mediation by the mediator or without the intervention of the mediator, either Party may require such Dispute to be referred to Principal Secretary (or above rank Officer as appointed), Government of Uttar Pradesh and any director of the Developer for amicable settlement, and upon such reference, the said persons shall meet no later than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of reference to discuss and attempt to amicably resolve the Dispute.

More Definitions of Principal Secretary

Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary of the Ministry;
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary of the Ministry responsible for Finance;
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary responsible for education;
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary of the Ministry for the time being responsible for water development;
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary in the ministry responsible for matters relating to registration of persons”(ii) deleting the proposed amendment to section 5(1)(g) and substituting therefor the following new amendment— s.5(1)(g) Delete paragraph (g) and substitute therefor the following new paragraph
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relating to a specified Ministry under this Act;
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for refugee affairs;