Process Flare definition
Examples of Process Flare in a sentence
Processor shall determine the MMBTU’s of Process Flare, if any, by multiplying the Process Flare volume hereof by the weighted average heating value of the Residue Gas.
Although there are potential pollutant specific emission units subject to an emissions limitation, and a control device (i.e., Process Flare FL-02) is used to achieve compliance, the potential pre-control emissions of each pollutant from the source do not exceed the respective major source thresholds (40 C.F.R. §64.2(a)(3)).
This “Gross Theoretical BTU Content” attributable to such Delivery Point shall then be reduced by deducting therefrom (i) the total BTU’s contained in the Plant Products allocated to that Delivery Point, pursuant to Paragraph 10.2 above, (ii) the total BTU’s of Process Fuel required for recompression of and the extraction of Plant Products attributable to that Delivery Point, and (iii) the total BTU’s of Process Flare attributable to that Delivery Point.
The resultant difference in BTU’s obtained by deducting the BTU’s of Plant Products, Process Fuel, and Process Flare from the “Gross Theoretical BTU Content” shall be considered the “Net Theoretical BTU’s of Residue Gas” attributable to such Delivery Point.
Process Flare" shall mean any MMBtu's of the Subject Gas dispersed or lost at the Plant as flare which shall include, but shall in no way be limited to, flare dispersed or lost in the compression, conditioning and treating of the Subject Gas; recovery, extraction, and removal of Plant Products; and the recompression of Residue Gas.
The Lump Sum Process Flare Modifications Change Order was revised and reissued as CO-00029 for a value of $***; CO-00026 is void and will not be signed.
Although there are potential pollutant specific emission units subject to an emissions limitation, and a control device (i.e., Process Flare FL-02) is used to achieve compliance, the potential pre-control emissions of each pollutant do not exceed the respective major source threshold.
Contractor’s direct labor for the Provisional Sum Process Flare Modification Work will be billed in accordance with Schedule D-5, Attachment D of the Agreement.
The Process Flare is equipped with a thermocouple, a flame safeguard, and an auto-ignition pilot system.
A 3,500-scfm Candlestick (Process) Flare is installed as SN-10 as part of the RNG project to combust Post-Treatment tail gas from the LTS process.