Production Efficiency definition
Examples of Production Efficiency in a sentence
Comparative Production Efficiency of Worker Co-ops The models of the profit-maximizing capitalist firm and the income maximizing co- op are silent about the internal operations of firms.
The q-deformed rotator corresponds to the Hamiltonian1H = C2(suq(2)) + E0, (19.1)2Iwhere I is the moment of inertia and E0 is the bandhead energy (for ground state bands E0 = 0).
Subtitle C—Incentives for Energy Production, Efficiency, and Green Economy Jobs Sec.121.Sec.122.Sec.123.Sec.124.Sec.125.Sec.126.Sec.127.Sec.128.Sec.129.Sec.130.Sec.131.Sec.132.Sec.133.Sec.134.
Thus, the problem of Customizationi.e. reaching Production Efficiency (PE), relies on process design, whose main concern is manufacturability and cost.
The economy was then generalised further and the Diamond-Mirrlees Production Efficiency Lemma was proved.
Figure 2.1: Production Efficiency Although Figure 2.1 was motivated by considering the input to be labour, a slight re- interpretation can introduce intermediate goods.
The Production Efficiency program provides services and incentives through three primary delivery tracks: standard, custom and energy performance management.
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bullion and Collectible Coin Production Efficiency and Cost Savings Act’’.SEC.
Production Efficiency is designed and managed by Energy Trust staff and delivered through Program Delivery Contractors and other market actors.
Production Efficiency is designed and managed in-house by Energy Trust staff and is delivered to customers through Program Delivery Contractors and other market actors.