Examples of Production Source in a sentence
This Agreement shall become effective immediately and shall remain in effect for so long as Shipper continues to purchase natural gas from any Third Party Production Source identified in Exhibit A or until either Shipper or Gatherer elects to terminate the same by ninety (90) advance written notice or until this Agreement is otherwise terminated as provided herein.
At the time of the initial listing, the EPA defined the Chlorine Production source category as follows:The Chlorine Production Source Category includes any facility engaged in the production of chlorine.
American Natural Gas Production Areas & 2010 Production Source: Bentek Energy The North American interstate and intrastate pipeline system moves gas from the various supply centers to markets throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Likewise, the definition of the Hydrogen Production Source Category in § 95114 should be expanded to include all gaseous hydrogen production facilities.
U.S. Natural Gas Production Source: Total from EIA, https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/ng_prod_sum_a_epg0_fgw_mmcf_a.htm; Federal Offshore and Federal Onshore from ONRR, https://revenuedata.doi.gov/.Notes: Nonfederal values are calculated by CRS as the difference between the total and the combined federal onshore and offshore values.Figure 3 presents the oil and natural gas data from nonfederal, federal offshore, and federal onshore regions as an index.
The docket for this rulemaking contains the following document, which provides more information on the risk assessment inputs and models: Residual Risk Assessment for the Ethylene Production Source Category in Support of the 2019 Risk and Technology Review Proposed Rule.
As a result, each curve competes with the other curves to satisfy the determined demand.Figure 9: United States Dry Natural Gas Production Source: Energy Commission, Supply Analysis Office, 2015.
These bookend scenarios expose the seriousness of the implications to the U.S. economy and manufacturing jobs that cannot be understated.Figure 3: U.S. Natural Gas – EIA AEO 2017 Base Case w/ IECA Assumptions (Billion Cubic Feet/Day) Year Dry Production* Year Dry Production* Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), AEO 2017*The process of producing consumer-grade natural gas.
This analysis is discussed in sections VI.A and VI.B of this preamble and in the memorandum, Revised Beyond-the- Floor Analysis for the Polyvinyl Chloride and Copolymers (PVC) Production Source Category.At proposal, we analyzed a beyond-the-floor option for wastewater oftreating streams with HAP concentration greater than 1,000 ppmw (of 40 CFR part 63, subpart G, Table 9 HAP), and annual average flow rates greater than 10 liters per minute.
These costs are not expected to result in business closures, significant price increases, or substantial profit loss.For further information on theeconomic impacts associated with the requirements being promulgated, see the memorandum titled Final Economic Impact Analysis for the Risk and Technology Review: Wet-Formed Fiberglass Mat Production Source Category, which is available in the docket for this action.