Examples of Professional Qualifications Directive in a sentence
In order to allow an easy identification of the competent authority and the required documents for a recognition request, the proposal foresees that the points of single contact, created under the Services Directive, become central online access points for all professions covered by the Professional Qualifications Directive.
Currently the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications Directive enables healthcare professional regulators to automatically recognise certain EU professional qualifications which leads to entry of the relevant professional register.
Across the 27 Member States, the Professional Qualifications Directive applies to about 800 categories of regulated professions.
In addition, the potential of a more integrated services market remains unexploited in the area of professional services; whilst the Services Directive2 from 2006 offered new opportunities, the main focus of the Professional Qualifications Directive from 20053 was consolidation of 15 existing Directives into a single instrument.
The Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC), adopted in 2005, sets out the rules for mutual recognition of professional qualifications between EU member states.
Review of the Professional Qualifications Directive The Council held a debate on a draft directive aimed at improving the system of recognition of professional qualifications with the purpose of facilitating the mobility of skilled workers across the EU.
A proposal for a directive amending the Professional Qualifications Directive was submitted by the Commission on 19 December 2011 (18899/11).
Professional qualifications directive The Council took note of information from the Commission on the outcome of a public consultation concerning the modernisation of the Professional Qualifications Directive.
The Commission services received 370 contributions12.On 22 June 2010, the Commission adopted a Green Paper13 on "Modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive".
The new proposal, which will update the Professional Qualifications Directive adopted in 20051, requires the agreement of the European Parliament.