November 2006 Sample Clauses
November 2006. Notwithstanding clause 3.1 above, the employment shall terminate when the Employee reaches the normal retiring age of 65.
November 2006. With X. Xxxxx (Port of Rotterdam Authority CEO) stating that: "The new port area will therefore be truly sustainable. Without an assessment procedure in which consortia know that they are competing with each other for a highly coveted terminal, it is much more difficult to agree on both a good price and sustainable o p e ra tio n s In: PRA press release. Container terminal on Xxxx\’lakte 2 goes to broad consortium, 11 July 2007.
November 2006. Background In 1997, the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 1320 (Sher 1997). The language is now xxx into Health and Safety Code Section 57004. The statute requires the six Cal/EPA organizations" to submit for external scientific peer review all proposed rules that have a scientific basis or components. The guidance described herein was developed to implement the statute requirement for the California State Water Resources Control Board and nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. This original Water Board focus in no way limits its use by all Cal/EPA organizations, for which it is now intended. In future updates, references and examples relating to media topics beyond water quality will be included if considered useful. These guidelines also shall apply to all subjects chosen for external peer review, whether or not hey are subject to the statute requirement, as described below. Reviewer candidates for all reviews must meet the same no conflict of interest provisions. The Statute Requirement for External Scientific Peer Review The language from Health and Safety Code Section 57004 that relates to external scientific peer review is provided here as Attachment A. It defines the essence of our challenge, and describes the responsibilities of both the organization requesting the review, and the reviewers. As noted, the requirement refers to all proposed rules that have a "scientific basis" or "scientific portions," and these phrases are defined in the code. The "agency" referred to is CallEPA. The statute notes that no Cal/EPA organization shall take any action to adopt the final version of a rule unless several conditions are met: One of these is that "The board, department or office submits the scientific portions of the proposed rule, along with a statement of the scientific findings, conclusions, and assumptions on which the scientific portions of the proposed rule are based and the supporting scientific data, studies, and other appropriate materials, to the external scientific peer review entity for its evaluation." With respect to proposals involving water quality objectives, we interpret this to include the soundness of the scientific basis of the objectives themselves, and the context in which they are to be implemented. The peer review process described in these guidelines includes independent identification of external peer reviewer candidates by an outside party. This is achieved through a contractual arrangement Cal/EPA has with the Universit...
November 2006. Due to tripping of the Otahuhu C power station at 11:20 hours on 8 November 2006, 360MW of generation were lost from the New Zealand power system. As a result of this, the system frequency dropped to 49.07 Hz before returning to its normal range (49.8 –
November 2006. This Agreement is a Production Sharing Contract made under the Petroleum Act the Ministry of Natural Resources, Minerals and Energy Policy, acting on behalf of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (the “Ministry”)
November 2006. 47.82660738 February 2013 ...
November 2006. The EU constitution defined the powers of the Union and states where it can act, what it can and cannot do and where the member states retain the right of veto. The key provisions of the EU Constitution, among others, include the following:
November 2006. 0.00 December 2006... 0.00 January 2007.... 0.00 February 2007... 0.00 March 2007...... 0.00
November 2006. The Agreement would strengthen further existing broad-based bilateral cooperation to combat terrorism and other forms of transnational crime and non-traditional security threats, especially in areas such as people smuggling, narcotics, money laundering, aviation and maritime security, and outbreaks of disease. In 2007, Australia and Indonesia will co-host, in furtherance of the objectives of the Treaty of Lombok, a sub-regional ministerial meeting on counter-terrorism and a regional meeting on illegal fishing.
November 2006. The Monitoring and Assessment Working Group prepared for the presentation at the 6th Ministerial Conference „The Environment for Europe“ (Belgrade 10 – 12 October 2007) a successful publication „Our waters: joining hands across borders – first assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters“ assessing the status of the main river basins in the UNECE region. Within the framework of the Water Convention, newly commenced activities relate with climate change and preparedness of the Parties to the Convention to such change. The objective is to prepare recommendations for adaptation to climate change. The first draft of this recommendation was prepared in July 2008 at the workshop in Amsterdam. The workshop joined climate change experts working for the Water Convention and for the Protocol on Water and Health. Draft of the recommendation will be reviewed by other Water Convention and Protocol on Water and Health WGs and submitted to the meeting of the Parties for adoption. To coordinate the Water Convention and the Protocol on Water and Health activities in the area of climate change, so-called Focal Points on the climate change issues were established in the Parties to both of the documents. In the Czech Republic, Focal Point has been established at the Ministry of the Environment and it closely cooperates with experts from agriculture and health care sectors. Documents concerning the Water Convention and Protocol can be found at The Protocol on Water and Health (hereinafter the Protocol) follows up with the Water Convention, nevertheless, it is formulated to allow every individual state to ratify the Protocol without accession to the Water Convention. Agreement on the Protocol was initiated by the UN Economic and Social Council, Economic Commission for Europe, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention. The Protocol was opened for signature at the Third Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, held on 16 – 18 June 1999 in London and organized by World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. The Czech Republic was one of the 35 countries that signed the Protocol directly in London. Ratification of the Protocol by the Czech Republic was completed in 2001. After the signature in 1999, the Secretariat of the Protocol started to perform its function, and steps for the period after entry of the Protocol into force started to be prepared within the Wate...