Examples of Proficiency Testing Samples in a sentence
A laboratory that submits Unacceptable Proficiency Testing Results for two Proficiency Testing Samples for the same Parameter Method submitted at the same time shall analyze a remedial Proficiency Testing Sample to show a return to control and send a description of corrective actions to the State Laboratory that includes the Root Cause of the failure and the corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence.
When two Proficiency Testing Samples for the same Parameter Method are analyzed and submitted at the same time, an unacceptable result on one or both samples shall be considered the first unacceptable result for Certification purposes.
Annually, each certified laboratory shall achieve Acceptable Proficiency Testing Results on a minimum of one evaluation sample for each Parameter Method listed on their Certified Parameters Listing for which Proficiency Testing Samples are available from more than one Vendor, as required by these Rules.
NC WW/GW LCB regulations for the Certification and operation of environmental laboratories in the North Carolina Administrative Code, 15 NCAC 02H .0800, state that a laboratory applying for Certification must satisfactorily analyze Proficiency Testing Samples from a NELAC approved Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditor (PTPA) that meets TNI requirements and those of the NC WW/GW LCB for the parameters, analytes, methods and matrices for which Certification is sought.
It often only barely functioned, failing to routinely conduct on-site assessments (OSAs) and/or conducting incomplete OSAs, inconsistent review of laboratory Proficiency Testing Samples (PTSs), failing to adequately process forms, generally resulting in ineffective and incomplete assessments of laboratory performance.
A Medical Marijuana Testing Facility must analyze Proficiency Testing Samples using the same procedures with the same number of replicate analyses, standards, testing analysts and equipment as used for product testing.
Mortality may fall with investment in healthcare and / or where healthcare resources are increased.• Public health.
The IEPA may require the contractor to analyze Proficiency Testing Samples (PTs).
WHEREAS the Procuring Agency invited bids for procurement of goods, in pursuancewhereofM/s ( ) being the Contractor/Good Supplier in Pakistan offered to supply the required item (s); and Whereas the Procuring Agency has accepted the bid by the Supplier for the supply of Proficiency Testing Samples for the year 2021-22 as per detail below.
The Government of Punjab, Health Department has allocated funds for the services and Goods items to the individual institution under their relevant Head of Account which will beutilized by2022-2023.Multan for the said purpose during the financial year intends to fix the price / conclude the contract for thesupply of Proficiency Testing Samples on Free Delivery to consignee’s end basis directly to DRUGS TESTING LABORATORY MULTAN.