Proprietary Specification means a specification that describes a material made and marketed by a person having the exclusive right to manufacture and sell such material and excludes other material with similar quality, performance or functional characteristics from being responsive to the solicitation.
Proprietary Specification means a specification which uses a brand name to describe the standard of quality, performance, and other characteristics needed to meet the procuring agencies' requirements or which is written in such a manner that restricts the procurement to one brand.
Proprietary Specification means a specification which uses a brand name to describe the standard of quality, performance, and other characteristics needed to meet the procuring agencies' requirements.
More Definitions of Proprietary Specification
Proprietary Specification means a specification that lists one or more proprietary names of products or manufacturers and may also include descriptive language, references to standards, or lists performance requirements, or any combination thereof.
Proprietary Specification. A specification that describes a product, procedure, function, material, assembly, or piece of equipment by trade name and/or by naming the manufacturer(s) or manufacturer’s procedure, exact model number, item, etc., of those products acceptable to the Owner.
Proprietary Specification means a Specification which includes one or more proprietary names of products or manufacturers (or both), and may also include descriptive, reference standard or performance requirements.
Proprietary Specification means one that restricts the acceptable products or services to those of one manufacturer or vendor. A common example would be a specification by brand name or for a patented product, which excludes consideration of proposed “equals” or “equivalents.”
Proprietary Specification means a specification that describes a material made and marketed by a person hav- ing the exclusive right to manufacture and sell such mate- rial and excludes other material with similar quality, performance or functional characteristics from being responsive to the solicitation.
Proprietary Specification means a specification that describes a material made and
Proprietary Specification means a specification that describes a material made and marketed by a person having