Model number definition

Model number means a combination of letters, digits, or characters representing the manufacturer, brand, design, or performance of an appliance.
Model number means a combination of letters, digits, or characters representing the manufacturer, brand, design, or performance of an appliance. In the case of electric motors, "model number" refers to the designation of a "basic model", as defined in 10 CFR Section 431.12, in a manner specified by the Executive Director.
Model number means the model name and model number associated with the contract item as defined by the manufacturer.

Examples of Model number in a sentence

  • This contains information such as Updates, Status, Legal information, Model number, Kernel version, Build number, User Manual, etc.

  • XXXX-XX-XXDate of Manufacture Manufacturer Model number LOT number European authorized representative Unique Device IdentifierMDMedical Device See Instructions for Use Caution (refer to “Warnings and Cautions” section for further information) Dispose of in accordance with applicable national and local regulationsINTRODUCTORY INFORMATIONCarefully read all instructions prior to use.

  • Model number must be different from any earlier, non-ENERGY STAR qualified versions of the product.

  • Model number, serial number and original date of purchase of all Products to be covered must be provided to execute application for service.

  • Basic Maintenance- Bids for basic maintenance must list:o Quantityo Manufacturero Model number or product numbero Part Number or SKUo Location of each piece of equipment to be maintainedo Scope of Work (SOW) For Maintenance services, service providers are encouraged to use the on-line maintenance schedules submitted by the applicant to provide line item pricing for maintenance services on E- rate eligible equipment.

More Definitions of Model number

Model number. YLAA0175HE46XFB Contract Number: 4EA5-0043 Entire Unit Starter Motor Encapsulated Motor Compressor X
Model number means, in respect of any model of an energy-using product, the designator that is assigned to that model for the purposes of these Regulations and that distinguishes it from similar models; (numéro du modèle)
Model number means a combination of letters, digits, or characters representing the
Model number. Numero di modello: Modellnummer: Modèle : Número del modelo: Número do modelo: Номер модели: Numer modelu: Modellnummer: Sold To: Venduto a: Verkauft an: Vendu à : Vendido a: Vendido a: Кому продано: Nabywca: Såld till:
Model number. 300-Y. ITS INCLUDING: 1 LOT 176.000.00 TSG VTS TERMINATION SOFTWARE PACKAGE, ---------- S/N VS97R01 -R02 2 ICS WIN/NT COMP SYS, S/N 9711010 & 9711011 2 DIALOGIC DTI300SC COM BDS, S/N CZ034563, CZ021715 2 DIALOGIC DT1240SC COM BD, S/N CZ034121-25, CZ034439 6 DATAKINETICS PCCS6 XX0 XX, X/X 00000 0 XXX XXXXXXX 2000, S/N 7231604-606, 7182322, 7251281, 7251278 6 XXX XXX, 0-X0X, X/X 0000000-000, 000, 000-000 00 XXX XXX,0-X0X VOICE/FAX, S/N 7428554-57, 559-563,7414236-237,231,245,7411674-76) 16 RAD DXC HIGH SPEED I/O BOARDS, S/N 735504- 510, 512,497, 7290936-938 12 RAD DKC T1/E 1 DIGITAL CROSS CONNECT, S/N 7440573-574 2 19" RACK, S/N 978721 1 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SOURCE (UPS), S/N 971355 2 RAD MBE ETHERNET BRIDGE, S/N 7455186 & 7430875 2 CSU/DSU, S/N 9711010-011 2 TOTAL $220,193. 11 ========= == EQUIPMENT LIST #TFG-97284 DATED: September 3, 1997 COMPANY: Athena International Ltd. Liability Co. dba Athena International, LLC -- SITE LOCATION: Denver, Colorado ADDITION: IX PARTN0./DESCRIPTI0N QUANTITY AMOUNT ------------------- -------- ------ THIRD PARTY VENDOR - TELEFLEX ----------------------------- EQUIPMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1 LOT $93,500.00 P133-8 INTELINKW/8 DIALOGIC BOARDS 1 LOT ---------- D240SC-T1 CARD 2 DTI/240SC CARD 2 TOTAL $93,500.00 ========== EQUIPMENT LIST #TFG-97253 DATED: June 4, 1997 COMPANY: Athena International Ltd. Liability Co. dba Athena International, LLC SITE LOCATION: Denver, Colorado ADDITION: VIII PART NO./DESCR!PTION QUANTITY MOUNT -------------------- -------- ----- SS-C SLU MULTI-TASKING PORT ADDITION PER DCO-710017, ISSUE 01, DATED 02/05/97 (S.O.#072091) AS FOLLOWS: MATERIAL 1 LOT $ 456.00 INSTALLATION 2,500.00 FREIGHT 22.95 SEA 96019 EXPANSION OF ROUTE GUIDE INDEXES TO 4096 PER DCO- 681122, ISSUE 01, DATED 07/09/96; RELEASE 15.0 RTU STARTUP (S.O.#072300) AS FOLLOWS: MATERIAL 1 LOT 55,000.00 FREIGHT 34.71 TOTAL $58,013.66 TFGLA204-S.WPT
Model number. Purchase Date: Gauge or Caliber: Serial Number: Purchase Price:
Model number means the OEM’s model and/or version number of the product.