Protective device definition
Examples of Protective device in a sentence
Protective device for the modified circuit Type ........................................
Protective device coordination and selectivity shall be provided so that, for a fault on any part of the system, the fault is cleared by the protective device that is closest to the point of fault without tripping upstream breakers in accordance with USCG, 46 CFR, subchapter J, subpart 111.51.
Protective device time versus current coordination curves, tabulations of relay and circuit breaker trip settings, fuse selection and commentary regarding same.
A SLD that includes the following items (in addition to the requirements mentioned in Section 5):¡ Signed PE Stamp¡ Protective device information (fused AC Disconnect)¡ Line of delineation between SCE’s section and the Customers’ section¡ Callout indicating “Line Side Tap”2.
Protective device (relays, circuit breakers, etc.) for the protection of Grand Valley Power’s system must be installed as required by Grand Valley Power.