Examples of Provincial mapping in a sentence
In alignment with Provincial mapping and policy updates, conduct further investigation on land use policy and building regulations for areas prone to flooding.
Quaternary watersheds (based on Provincial mapping) and NPCA spatial assemblage in Niagara Region 18Figure 2-6.
Similarly, the Provincial mapping of the “Landform Conservation Areas Category 1 and 2” and “Areas of High Aquifer Vulnerability” does not include any lands subject to OPA 350.
Schedule I of this Plan identifies where petroleum pools are located in Niagara region, according to Provincial mapping.
However, new buildings or structures for agricultural uses, agriculture-related uses, or on-farm diversified uses are not subject to policy a), but are subject to the policies in subsections 4.2.3 and Provincial mapping of the Natural Heritage System for the Growth Plan does not apply until it has been implemented in the applicable upper- or single-tier official plan.
Secondary and tertiary drainage basins in Niagara Region based on Provincial mapping 17Figure 2-5.
In many places, more than one stacked aquifers are present, and the overall system is more complex than the simplified Provincial mapping might suggest.
The Constraints Schedules shall normally be amended during comprehensive reviews or periodic updates of the Official Plan.Refer to the Provincial mapping and information for more accurate delineation of licensed pits and quarries.
Refer to the Provincial mapping and information for more accurate delineation of licensed pits and quarries.
A-Problem in the statement of thesis: the writer has four statements of problem , but in reality he is dealing with one.