Examples of Psychometric testing in a sentence
Psychometric testing is useful in the assessment of mental conditions, pain conditions, cognitive functioning, treatment planning, vocational planning, and evaluation of treatment effectiveness.
From the beginning of the course, we realized an unfortunate opportunity for empirical investigation—what was it like for the faculty member and distance students when technology fails consistently in a technology-dependent class?Technological failures in our course occurred when hardware or software at the classroom or student sites did not function properly in a way that inhibited learning.
Psychometric testing of the KPUP in a sample of older persons in the community provided moderate internal consistency and general high test-retest stability.
Psychometric testing is useful in the assessment of mental conditions, pain conditions, cognitive functioning, treatment planning, vocational planning and evaluation of treatment effectiveness.
Psychometric testing is a valuable component of a consultation to assist the physician in making a more effective treatment plan.
Psychometric testing of the Spanish version of the practice environment scale of the nursing work index in a primary healthcare context.
Psychometric testing may be conducted to determine personality, intellectual, and coping abilities.
Psychometric testing, usually in collaboration with a psychologist, is often ad- visable as well.Tests of endocrine function, which may include tests for diabetes and thyroid disease and specific lev- els of sex hormones, are sometimes indicated.239 Neuropsychological testing by a psychologist, elec- troencephalography, and imaging studies can iden- tify a variety of brain diseases that may have prognos- tic implications.
Psychometric testing of the Brief Sense of Community Scale with older adults in Puerto Rico.
Psychometric testing does not include preliminary diagnostic interviews or subsequent consultation visits.