Examples of Public action in a sentence
NOTICE: Public action may be taken after Closed Session concludes.)WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations and/or possible litigation, and WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the public; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved.
NOTICE: Public action may be taken after Closed Session concludes.) WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations and/or possible litigation, and WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the public; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved.
Public action (by individu- als, businesses, organizations, local agencies, and others) needs to be supported by and integrated with U.S. Government pro- grams within the United States and in other countries.
Public action is always purposive collective action (Mackintosh, 1992).
Public action could stimulate production through procurement programmes, the organisation and regulation of markets with high growth potential, and support and incentives for early users of new technologies.
Public action could provide direction and support to private activities ― including the development of com- petences and entrepreneurship, access to capital, the organisation of new markets, etc.
Public action NGOs must make its arguments to industry convincingly and in a systematic way, and understanding industry’s point of view can assist greatly in this respect.
Public action was considered absolutely neutral and technocratic.
The participants in these discussions often attempt to adopt a LOLF type approach with three main characteristics: - The structural link between performance and the corresponding credit envelopes; o Public action comprises missions, divided up into programmes and actions.
Public action and investment to reduce risk in livestock production and agriculture declined, and environmental insecurity – while never new in Mongolia – acquired new significance, particularly for those new to livestock production.