Examples of Member board in a sentence
A Member board is a state board of nursing, which is approved by the Delegate Assembly as a member of NCSBN.
Each directorship, except for the Initial Board and the Founder Member board seat, shall be filled separately and election shall be as prescribed by the Board in person, or by mail, or email ballots.
The President of the Board of Directors shall forward a copy of the decision to the Member board of trustees.
The corporation shall keep correct and completebooks and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its Member, board of directors, and committees having any of the authority of the board of directors.
About the State Public Charter School Authority 9 Member board appointed by Governor, Senate Majority Leader, Speaker of the Assembly, State Board of Education, and Charter School Association of Nevada 27 Full time employees who conduct oversight of schools and execute Local Education Agency responsibilities (ex.