Examples of Publicly subsidized in a sentence
Publicly subsidized affordable housing provides the largest supply of affordable housing in most communities.
Based on our assessment of finances and passenger markets, two operating entity models are appropriate for the Central City Circulator:⚫ Private operation (owned and managed)⚫ Publicly subsidized service, privately managed.Most other peer systems of this type, such as False Creek Ferries and AquaBus in Vancouver, BC, operate as private for-profit ventures.
Publicly subsidized households whose energy costs are included as a fixed portion of their rent, or who reside in publicly subsidized housing and have an out-of-pocket obligation to pay a base-load electric bill, are not eligible for a regular LIEAP LIHEAP benefit computed using the benefit matrices and multipliers in the LIEAP LIHEAP Benefit Award Matrix and Table of Multipliers for the 2021-2022 heating season.
Rental assistance helps 2.4 million people with disabilities live independently.62 Publicly subsidized rental units are also more likely to be accessible.
Publicly subsidized programmes of R&D collaboration are in this case only appropriate if spillovers are asymmetric (i.e. if there is sufficient diversity between firms in research capabilities).
Publicly subsidized private schools receive the same student-based subsidy, but are allowed to charge tuition up to a certain amount.
Publicly subsidized daycare facilities might be provided by the local community, the Catholic or Protestant churches or non-profit organizations.
Publicly subsidized housing is an important part of the solution, especially for our most vulnerable residents who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing homelessness.
Publicly subsidized reinsurance programs face the risk of reduced or unstable funding levels over time.
Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeMaintenance of existing roads Publicly subsidized transportation for the elderly, poor, and disabled, for medical appointment, work, job training andshipping.