Examples of Publicly supported housing in a sentence
Publicly supported housing, City of Anacortes, 2019 Source: HUD AFFHT Tool (AFFHT0006), 2023In addition to the mapping, the AFFH Tool also allows users to download the underlying data tables, included in Exhibit 33.
Key Impediments▪ Low number of vacant units;▪ Prevalence of HUD-defined housing problems, including cost burden; and,▪ Publicly supported housing concentration.▪ Further, community participants report private sector financial services obstacles to homeownership.
Data to be collected may include; but is not limited to:o Demographic;o Segregation/integration;o Education;o Employment;o Transportation;o Poverty;o Environment healthy indicator;o Disproportionate housing needs;o Publicly supported housing; ando Disability.• Respondent will use data and maps to assess fair housing issues and contributing factors to set fair housing priorities and goals for the City of Pasadena.
Publicly supported housing is distributed throughout the urban areas of King County.
Publicly Supported Housing Analysis Map 5 - Publicly Supported Housing and Race/EthnicityDescription: Public Housing, Project-Based Section 8, Other Multifamily, and LIHTC locations mapped with race/ethnicity dot density map with R/ECAPs, distinguishing categories of publicly supported housing by color Publicly supported housing as defined by HUD is defined as Public Housing, Low Income Housing, Tax Credit Housing and Other Multi-Family which is assisted living.
Publicly supported housing in Ocean City and its Region are more likely to house those with disabilities at a higher rate than the City and Region’s disability populations as a whole.
Publicly supported housing units tend to be located in R/ECAPs. Map IV.11Housing Choice VouchersAberdeen city AFFH Data Map IV.12Public Housing UnitsAberdeen city AFFH Data Map IV.13Project-Based Section 8 UnitsAberdeen city AFFH Data Map IV.14PHA Buildings and/or Voucher LocationsAberdeen city PHA Survey Data Additional data is presented in the following tables about the Aberdeen Housing Authority.