Push Notification Service definition

Push Notification Service is a feature that enables customers to push messages to specific devices configured to receive such messages using Visual Studio App Center. “Maximum Available Minutes” is the total number of minutes for which Build Service has been deployed by Customer for a given Microsoft Azure subscription during an Applicable Period. “Downtime” is the total number of minutes within Maximum Available Minutes during which the Build Service is unavailable. A minute is considered unavailable if all continuous HTTP requests to the Build Service to perform operations initiated by Customer throughout the minute either result in an Error Code or do not return a response within one minute.
Push Notification Service is een voorziening die klanten in staat stelt berichten te sturen naar specifieke apparaten die zijn geconfigureerd om dergelijke berichten te ontvangen met behulp van Visual Studio App Center. “Maximum Beschikbare Minuten” is het totale aantal minuten dat de Build Service gedurende een Toepasselijke Periode door de Klant is gebruikt voor een gegeven Microsoft Azure-abonnement.
Push Notification Service is a feature that enables customers to push messages to specific devices configured to receive such messages using Visual Studio App Center.

Examples of Push Notification Service in a sentence

  • All use of Push Notifications via the Apple Push Notification Service or Local Notifications must be in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (including the Program Requirements) and Attachment 1 (Additional Terms for Apple Push Notification Service and Local Notifications).

  • The issuance of Server Push Certificates requires Subscribers to be end users of third-party servers that are authorized by Apple to use the Apple Push Notification Service (“APNs”).

  • Each Certificate supports a specific Apple Push Notification Service feature, such as mail, contact, calendar, and mobile device management.

  • Lightstreamer supports native push notifications on Apple platforms (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Safari) via Apple Push Notification Service (APNs), and on Google platforms (Android, Chrome) and Firefox via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).Mobile and web push notifications (MPN for short) are handled by a special Lightstreamer Server's module called MPN Module.

  • A minute is considered unavailable if all continuous HTTP requests to Push Notification Service to perform operations initiated by Customer throughout the minute either result in an Error Code or do not return a response within one minute.

  • Uptime Percentage: The Uptime Percentage for the Visual Studio App Center Push Notification Service is calculated as Maximum Available Minutes less Downtime divided by Maximum Available Minutes multiplied by 100.

  • App Center Push Notification Service Downtime: The total number of minutes within Maximum Available Minutes during which Push Notification Service is unavailable.

  • To the extent Customer utilizes push notification functionality in the ForgeRock Identity Cloud, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the ForgeRock Push Notification Service is provided by the Amazon Simple Notification Service ("Amazon SNS") and, accordingly, Customer's use shall be subject to the terms and conditions specific to Amazon SNS located at the following location: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/service-terms/.

  • Obtaining an APNs certificate to manage iOS and macOS devices‌APNs is the Apple Push Notification Service.

  • The Certificates enable remote notifications of a designated OS X feature (e.g. mail, calendar, contact, mobile device management) to be sent via the APN service Production server to an iOS device and/or a OS X system.• Server Push Development Certificates: This type of Certificate may be used by a OS X end user, or a third party server end-user, to create and maintain SSL connectivity to the Apple Push Notification Service development environment.

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