Examples of Error Code in a sentence
Caption Hartford's TAI Valuation Method Error Code Informational field used by Hartford -- Usually Blank Reserve Class 1 This field contains insured's smoker class.
A minute is considered unavailable for a given Notification Hub if all continuous attempts to send notifications or perform registration management operations with respect to the Notification Hub throughout the minute either return an Error Code or do not result in a Success Code within five minutes.
Following is an introduction to the subject of Error Code Reporting in both the MSP and Non-MSP Response Files.
The following are additional documents that are only available to NGHP RREs after login:• Test Beneficiary Data• Excluded ICD-9 Diagnosis Code Data• Excluded ICD-10 Diagnosis Code Data• Error Code Data• HEW Software Download• Computer-Based Training (CBT) modules for the Section 111 application on the COBSW are available free of charge to RREs and their agents.
Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values.
Both may be present.Following Must be True/Identification Must be present Or /Proxy Must be presentError handling:– Error severity: Fatal– Error Code: X00498– Error Text: Missing account identification or account proxy.
Note: The decimal separator is a dot.Error handling:– Error severity: Fatal– Error Code: D00007– Error Text: Invalid currency code or too many decimal digits.
Total Transaction Attempts does not include REST API requests that return an Error Code that are continuously repeated within a five-minute window after the first Error Code is received.
A single entry of any invalid Charge Code identified in any of the Sub-Meters, identified with UMS Error Code = B.
A single entry of any invalid Switch Regime identified in any of the Sub-Meters, identified with UMS Error Code = A.