Examples of Quagga mussel in a sentence
Quagga mussel: 0.5 inch The quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) is related to the zebra mussel but is a distinct species.
Specifically, I control for the rationales behind the restrictions with a set of dummy variables.19 The new weaker iden- tification assumption is that the interactions between restriction categories do not directly affect logger valuations and are uncorrelated with other unobserved determinants of bids, conditional on controls.
Quagga mussel populations are currently established in Lake Mead, Lake Mohave, Lake Havasu, and Lake Pleasant.
Quagga mussel monitoring on boat, water intakes, and dams should be continuous.
Quagga mussel veligers were first found in Boulder Basin; they later spread to other basins.
Once introduced these plants and organisms could substantially affect the health, quality and enjoyment of our water related experiences in this area Two such invasive non-native species are the zebra mussel and the Quagga mussel.
He coordinated a presentation at the Conference by a variety of different State and local officials regarding the Quagga mussel infestation in California waterways.
Stephen – in 2013 as part of our NISA group a briefing sheet prioritized several items: the QZAP, state plan funding and, regulatory and policy changes needed for the Quagga/Zebra listing or add Quagga mussel species to list of injurious wildlife.
She advised the Board that there was no Quagga mussel report as there had been no November survey.
The project focusses on the Quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis), a high impact aquatic invasive alien species discovered in the Shannon in 2021 and aims to address several key knowledge gaps (as detailed in business case attached).