Examples of Qualified contributions in a sentence
Qualified contributions shall be paid within 90 days after the Member’s instrument of contribution enters into effect, as and to the extent that the relative contribution becomes unqualified and, where possible, in accordance with the annual payment dates specified in subsection (a)(ii) above.
Qualified contributions shall be paid within 90 days after the Member’s instrument of contribution enters into effect, as and to the extent that the relative contribution becomes unqualified and, where possible, in accordance with the payment dates specified in paragraph 20(b) of this resolution.
Qualified contributions are cash contributions paid during calendar year 2020 to a charitable organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A), other than contributions (i) to a supporting organization described in section 509(a)(3) or (ii) for the establishment of a new, or maintenance of an existing, donor advised fund (as defined in section 4966(d)(2)).
Qualified contributions made by employees to the plan are partially matched by the Company.
See Qualified contributions for California wildfire relief efforts or Pub.
Qualified contributions by an individual or a corporation that that exceed the relevant limit can be carried forward five years.
Qualified contributions shall be paid within 90 days after the Member’s instrument of contribution enters into effect, as and to the extent that the relative contribution becomes unqualified and, where possible, in accordance with the payment dates specified in subsection (a)(ii) above.
IN GENERAL.—The regulations prescribed by the Secretary under this section shall es- tablish the criteria and a process for the cer- tification of electronic logging devices to en- sure that the device meets the performance re- quirements under this section.
CESA recommended using a production cost model rather than relying on broad assumptions regarding the resources incremented and decremented by the dispatch of storage systems.
Qualified contributions include: equipment for use in the school, technical assistance in developing the curriculum or in training the teachers, services of employees as volunteer mentors, internships, field trips, or other educational opportunities outside the academy, or other property or service specified by the local school board.