Educational personnel means persons who must meet requirements pursuant to state law as a condition of employment in educational programs.
Teaching hospital means a hospital that trains students to become physicians, nurses, or other health or laboratory personnel.
Hospital pharmacist means an Iowa-licensed pharmacist who meets the requirements for participating in a hospital practice protocol as determined by the hospital’s P&T committee.
Participating Hospital means an Administrator Hospital that has an agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide Hospital services to participants in the Participating Provider Option program.
Mental Hospital means a health care facility (or its psychiatric unit) which:
Qualified personnel means personnel who meet the statutory or regulatory qualifications for each respective profession currently applicable in this state.
Outpatient hospital services means preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, observation, rehabilitation, or palliative services provided to an outpatient by or under the direction of a physician, dentist, or other practitioner by an institution that:
Hospital pharmacy means a pharmacy providing pharmaceutical care to
Licensed physician means a person licensed to practice