Qualified research expenses definition

Qualified research expenses means qualified research expenses as defined in section 41(b) of the Internal Revenue Code [26 U.S.C. 41(b)], except it does not include expenses incurred for basic research conducted outside the state of North Dakota.
Qualified research expenses means qualified research expenses as defined in § 41 of the Internal
Qualified research expenses means qualified research

Examples of Qualified research expenses in a sentence

  • Qualified research expenses are equal to the sum of in-house research expenses and contract research expenses for research conducted in Wisconsin.

  • Qualified Research ExpensesQualified research expenses are defined under IRC § 41(b), and must be incurred in an activity meeting the definition of "qualified research" as explained in Part II.

  • Only certain types of research expenditures are eligible for the credit; these are called “qualified research expenses.” Qualified research expenses discover technological information that improves an item’s performance or functionality, as opposed to its superficial characteristics.

  • Eligible expenses Qualified research expenses eligible for the research tax credit consist of: (1) in-house expenses of the taxpayer for wages and supplies attributable to qualified research; (2) certain time-sharing costs for computer use in qualified research; and (3) 65 percent of amounts paid or incurred by the taxpayer to certain other persons for qualified research conducted on the taxpayer’s behalf (so-called contract research expenses).

  • Qualified research expenses include wages, supplies and contract research costs.

More Definitions of Qualified research expenses

Qualified research expenses means qualified research expenses, as defined in section 41 of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. s.41), as in effect on June 30, 1992, in the fields of advanced computing, advanced materials, biotechnology, electronic device technology, information technology, life sciences, medical device technology, mobile communications technology, or renewable energy technology.
Qualified research expenses means (i) qualified research expenses and basic research payments as defined in section 41(b) and (e) of the Internal Revenue Code, except it does not include expenses incurred for qualified research or basic research conducted outside the state of Minnesota pursuant to section 41(d) and (e) of the Internal Revenue Code; and (ii) contributions to a nonprofit corporation established and operated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 317A for the purpose of promoting the establishment and expansion of business in this state, provided the contributions are invested by the nonprofit corporation for the purpose of providing funds for small, technologically innovative enterprises in Minnesota during the early stages of their development.
Qualified research expenses means qualified research expenses as defined in section 41(b) of the Internal Revenue Code [26
Qualified research expenses means the same as that term is defined in § 41 of the Internal Revenue
Qualified research expenses means the same as that term is defined in Section 41(b), Internal Revenue Code, except that the term includes only:
Qualified research expenses means that term as defined in section 41 of the internal revenue code.
Qualified research expenses means qualified research expenses and basic research payments as defined in section 41(b) and (e) of the Internal Revenue Code.