Qualifying Transmission Upgrade definition

Qualifying Transmission Upgrade means a proposed enhancement or addition to the Transmission System that: (a) will increase the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit into an LDA by a megawatt quantity certified by the Office of the Interconnection; (b) the Office of the Interconnection has determined will be in service on or before the commencement of the first Delivery Year for which such upgrade is the subject of a Sell Offer in the Base Residual Auction; (c) is the subject of a Facilities Study Agreement executed before the conduct of the Base Residual Auction for such Delivery Year and (d) a New Service Customer is obligated to fund through a rate or charge specific to such facility or upgrade.
Qualifying Transmission Upgrade means a proposed enhancement or addition to the Transmission System that: (a) will increase the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit into an LDA by a megawatt quantity certified by the Office of the Interconnection; (b) the Office of the
Qualifying Transmission Upgrade means a proposed enhancement or addition to the Transmission System that: (a) will increase the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit into an LDA

Examples of Qualifying Transmission Upgrade in a sentence

  • For Qualifying Transmission Upgrades, the RPM Credit Requirement shall be reduced to 50% of the amount calculated under Section IV.B beginning as of the effective date of the latest associated Interconnection Service Agreement (or, when a project will have no such agreement, an Upgrade Construction Service Agreement), and shall be reduced to zero on the date the Qualifying Transmission Upgrade is placed in service.

  • PJMSettlement shall be the Counterparty to any cleared capacity transaction resulting from a Sell Offer based on a Qualifying Transmission Upgrade.

  • The Sell Offer price of a Qualifying Transmission Upgrade shall be treated as a capacity price differential between the LDAs specified in such Sell Offer between which CETL is increased, and the Import Capability provided by such upgrade shall clear to the extent the difference in clearing prices between such LDAs is greater than the price specified in such Sell Offer.

  • For Qualifying Transmission Upgrades, the RPM Auction Credit requirement shall be reduced to 50% of the amount calculated under section IV.B.2 above beginning as of the effective date of the latest associated Interconnection Service Agreement (or, when a project will have no such agreement, an Upgrade Construction Service Agreement), and shall be reduced to zero on the date the Qualifying Transmission Upgrade is placed in service.

  • For a Qualifying Transmission Upgrade, the Sell Offer shall identify such upgrade, and the Office of the Interconnection shall determine and certify the increase in CETL provided by such upgrade.

  • A Qualifying Transmission Upgrade may not be the subject of any Sell Offer in a Base Residual Auction unless it has been approved by the Office of the Interconnection, including certification of the increase in Import Capability to be provided by such Qualifying Transmission Upgrade, no later than 45 days prior to such Base Residual Auction.

  • A Capacity Market Seller that offers and clears a Qualifying Transmission Upgrade in the Base Residual Auction for a Delivery Year shall not receive Incremental Capacity Transfer Rights with respect to such upgrade for such Delivery Year.

  • The need to purchase replacement Capacity Resources may arise from resource retirement, resource cancellation or construction delay, resource derating, EFORd increase, a decrease in the Nominated Demand Resource Value of a Planned Demand Resource, delay or cancellation of a Qualifying Transmission Upgrade, or similar occurrences.

  • OATT Attachment DD (Reliability Pricing Model) § 8.1. Resource, delay or cancellation of a Qualifying Transmission Upgrade, or similar occurrences.6 The RPM rules do not define qualifying reasons for approval of replacement capacity transactions.

  • In the event of delay or cancellation of a Qualifying Transmission Upgrade, the Buy Bid shall specify Capacity Resources in the LDA for which such Qualifying Transmission Upgrade was to increase CETL.

More Definitions of Qualifying Transmission Upgrade

Qualifying Transmission Upgrade means a proposed enhancement or addition to the Transmission System that: (a) will increase the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit into an LDA by a megawatt quantity certified by the Office of the Interconnection; (b) the Office of the Interconnection has determined will be in service on or before the commencement of the first
Qualifying Transmission Upgrade means a proposed enhancement or addition to the Transmission System that: (a) will increase the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit into an LDA

Related to Qualifying Transmission Upgrade

  • State Transmission Utility or “STU” shall mean the Board or the Government company notified by the respective State Government under Sub-section (1) of Section 39 of the Act;

  • Network Integration Transmission Service means the transmission service provided under Tariff, Part III.

  • Merchant Transmission Facilities means A.C. or D.C. transmission facilities that are interconnected with or added to the Transmission System pursuant to Tariff, Part IV and Tariff, Part VI and that are so identified in Tariff, Attachment T, provided, however, that Merchant Transmission Facilities shall not include (i) any Customer Interconnection Facilities, (ii) any physical facilities of the Transmission System that were in existence on or before March 20, 2003 ; (iii) any expansions or enhancements of the Transmission System that are not identified as Merchant Transmission Facilities in the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan and Tariff, Attachment T, or (iv) any transmission facilities that are included in the rate base of a public utility and on which a regulated return is earned. Merchant Transmission Provider:

  • Central Transmission Utility means the Government Company notified by the Central Government under Sub-Section (1) of Section 38 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

  • Firm Transmission Withdrawal Rights means the rights to schedule energy and capacity withdrawals from a Point of Interconnection of a Merchant Transmission Facility with the Transmission System. Firm Transmission Withdrawal Rights may be awarded only to a Merchant D.C. Transmission Facility that connects the Transmission System with another control area. Withdrawals scheduled using Firm Transmission Withdrawal Rights have rights similar to those under Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service.

  • Capacity Transmission Injection Rights means the rights to schedule energy and capacity deliveries at a Point of Interconnection of a Merchant Transmission Facility with the Transmission System. Capacity Transmission Injection Rights may be awarded only to a Merchant D.C. Transmission Facility and/or Controllable A.C. Merchant Transmission Facilities that connects the Transmission System to another control area. Deliveries scheduled using Capacity Transmission Injection Rights have rights similar to those under Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service or, if coupled with a generating unit external to the PJM Region that satisfies all applicable criteria specified in the PJM Manuals, similar to Capacity Interconnection Rights.

  • Capacity Export Transmission Customer means a customer taking point to point transmission service under Tariff, Part II to export capacity from a generation resource located in the PJM Region that has qualified for an exception to the RPM must-offer requirement as described in Tariff, Attachment DD, section 6.6(g).

  • Energy Transmission Injection Rights means the rights to schedule energy deliveries at a specified point on the Transmission System. Energy Transmission Injection Rights may be awarded only to a Merchant D.C. Transmission Facility that connects the Transmission System to another control area. Deliveries scheduled using Energy Transmission Injection Rights have rights similar to those under Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service.

  • No-Firm Transmission Withdrawal Rights means the rights to schedule energy withdrawals from a specified point on the Transmission System. Non-Firm Transmission Withdrawal Rights may be awarded only to a Merchant D.C. Transmission Facility that connects the Transmission System to another control area. Withdrawals scheduled using Non-Firm Transmission Withdrawal Rights have rights similar to those under Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service. Non-Performance Charge:

  • Transmission links are the means used for inter-connecting distributed units for the purpose of conveying signals, operating data or an energy supply. This equipment is generally electrical but may, in some part, be mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic.

  • Transmission Service means Point-To-Point Transmission Service provided under Tariff, Part II on a firm and non-firm basis.

  • Network Transmission Service means transmission service provided pursuant to the rates, terms and conditions set forth in Tariff, Part III, or transmission service comparable to such service that is provided to a Load Serving Entity that is also a Transmission Owner.