Examples of Radio frequency identification in a sentence
Radio frequency identification) pripada grupi tehnologija poznatijoj pod nazivom AIDC (engl.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags shall be accompanied with a human readable and bar-coded asset ID number, same as the RFID number, appearing on the outside of such a device/tag.
Radio frequency identification technology can be seen as a means of identifying a person or object using electromagnetic radiation.
Radio frequency identification: supply chain impact and implementa- tions challenges.
Radio frequency identification provides operators a means to remotely identify, categorize, and locate material automatically within relatively short distances.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags have brought tremendous opportunities for manufacturers, retailers and suppliers to improve the track records of their inventory and to facilitate proper customer service.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) has been identified as a technology that will not only speed the process of data collection but will ensure accuracy (NAIT 2008).
Sections 211.275 through 211.275– 3 are added to read as follows:211.275 Radio frequency identification.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems identify tags to readers in an open environment, requiring neither visual nor physical contact for communication.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor networks (WSN) are two important wireless technologies that have a wide variety of applications and provide limitless future potentials, while RFID tags are similar to actuator which requires a control signal and a source of energy.