Examples of Radon progeny in a sentence
Radon progeny, which are much more abundant than thoron progeny in most areas, decay with an effective half-life of about 30 minutes and a counting delay of 3 hours may be adequate.
Radon progeny and medical diagnostic or therapeutic procedures involving radionuclides can cause interferences to in vivo measurements, especially for NaI detectors.However, unless the count was invalidated or noted as being influenced by such interferences, the results should be used as recorded.
Radon progeny deposition in the nasal and tracheobronchial regions of the respiratory tract.
Descendants of Radon gas are called Radon daughters, or Radon progeny.
For Switzerland, the Bundesamt für Gesundheit published the following aver- age dose values for the Swiss population from natural radioactivity and radiation in 2016 (BAG 2016): terrestrial radiation 0.35 mSv per year, cosmic radiation 0.4 mSv per year, radi- onuclides in the human body 0.35 mSv per year, inhalation of Radon and Radon progeny in homes 3.2 mSv per year, in total consequently 4.3 mSv per year.