Rain check definition
Examples of Rain check in a sentence
Rain check PolicyA rain check will be issued to any daily admission with a valid receipt; when there is a one hour or more consecutive rain delay.
Aim: To know the usage frequency of counterintuitive compound words.Sample words taken: Rain check, smells fungus, gas lighted, and scapegrace.Observation: Though figure 6 shows similar patterns as OCW, one must observe that there seems to be a fall in the usage frequency of these words and then a sudden rise in the 21st century.Explanation: Both the elements together carry a meaning that is different to what the user predicts.
Rain check 13 March Athletics Day: Friday, 20 March at Omana Park (Papatoetoe Athletics Club) Parent Teacher Interviews: Monday, 4 May, afternoon and evening (may change) Photolife Class & Individual Photos: Friday, 8 MayMothers’ Day High Tea: Saturday 9 May, 10.30 am (may change) ACS Soccer Tournament: Wednesday, 20 May.
Rain check 1 July School Science Fair: Saturday, 7 August, 10:00 amOpen Day: Monday, 23 August, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pmFathers’ Day Breakfast: Saturday, 4 September, 8:00 amACS Cross Country Tournament: Wednesday, 22 Sept.
Inventors are requested to refer to the IP statutes and other related rules for further confirmation.g) It is advisable to disclose an invention to the IPR Cell and seek assistance before the details of the invention are included in any grant application or published or disclosed to an industrial party.h) Rain check regarding names/ brands before choosing a trademark: A prior public search for trademarks would prove beneficial before choosing a name or a brand name.
Rain check refunds will not be issued after 5 holes of completed golf for 9 holes of play and 13 holes of completed golf for 18 holes of play.
Rain check 26 June School Science Fair: Saturday, 1 August, 10:00 amOpen Day: Monday, 17 August, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pmMid-Term Holiday: 21 to 24 AugustFathers’ Day Breakfast: Saturday, 5 September, 8:00 amMarimba Festival: Saturday, 5 September, 10:00 am to 2:00 pmACS Cross Country Tournament: Wednesday, 16 Sept.
Rain check 11 JuneSchool’s 40th Birthday: Tuesday, 25 MaySchool’s 40th Anniversary Family Fun Day and Dinner: Saturday 29 MayMid-Year Exams Years 9&10 + Bible for Seniors: 14 to 17 June ACS Netball Tournament: Tuesday, 29 June.
Rain check credits will ONLY be issued if requested on the day of play.
Rain check 22 May ERO School Visit: 25 to 29 MaySchool’s 39th Anniversary: Monday, 25 MayMid-Year Exams Years 9&10 + Bible for Seniors: 15 to 18 June ACS Netball Tournament: Wednesday, 24 June.