Rainwater harvesting definition

Rainwater harvesting means capturing and conserving rainwater or retarding run-off through various structures either for the direct use of the stored waters or for recharging groundwater aquifers; and
Rainwater harvesting means the capture and storage of rainwater for nonpotable uses such as irrigation, toilet flushing, and laundry.
Rainwater harvesting means the technique or system of collection and storage of rainwater, at micro watershed scale, including roof-top harvesting, for storage or for recharge of groundwater;

Examples of Rainwater harvesting in a sentence

  • Rainwater harvesting promotes self-sufficiency and fosters an appreciation for water as a resource.

  • The following activities will be organized:• Essay competition• Painting competition• GamesThe topics for the Essay and painting competitions are as follows: -• The impact of water quality on health.• Rainwater harvesting structures.• Methods of judicious use of water and ground water recharge.• Do not waste water, water is finite, therefore, precious.For the above activities the school students will be briefed on the communication issues.

  • Rainwater harvesting is one of the strategies that will be incorporated as an alternative source of freshwater.

  • Rainwater harvesting promotes self-sufficiency and fosters an appreciation for water as a resource.Minimizing Water ConsumptionConsumption of fresh water will be minimized by combination of water saving devices and other domestic water conservation measures.

  • Rainwater harvesting from roofs of reconstructed buildings will be maximized through collection and storage to facilitate an appropriate level of gender-separate toilet and hand washing facilities at reconstructed schools.

More Definitions of Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting means the technique or system of collection and storage of rainwater, at micro watershed scale, including roof-top harvesting, for future use or for recharge of groundwater;
Rainwater harvesting means the concentrating and collecting of rain falling on roofs and grounds for direct use or storage. Water is collected or harvested from patios, driveways and other paved areas. Also harvested is the flow of water from the roof and from catchments such as gutters. Buildings can be designed to maximise the amount of catchment area, thereby increasing rainwater harvesting possibilities.
Rainwater harvesting means collection and storage of rainwater from rooftop of a building or other parts of a building or from a vacant land for use or for the the purpose of groundwater recharge; and
Rainwater harvesting means utilizing rainwater for recharging of ground water, sanitation, irrigation etc. by adopting various techniques approved by the Authority.
Rainwater harvesting means utilizing rainwater for recharging of ground water, sanitation, irrigation etc. by adopting various techniques approved by theAuthority.
Rainwater harvesting means the collection and storage of rainwater to partially or fully meet current and future water demand. Rainwater is normally collected from roofs but may also be collected from other impermeable or pervious ground surfaces depending on the risk of contamination and the intended end use.
Rainwater harvesting means the accumulating and storing of rainwater on site for reuse before it reaches stormwater conveyance systems such as streets, storm drains, channels, steams, creeks, and rivers.