Harvesting definition
Harvesting means the killing of bluefin tuna in farms or traps.
Harvesting means gathering, hunting, trapping or fishing in accordance with a Settlement Agreement. "Heritage Resources" includes Moveable Heritage Resources, Heritage Sites and Documentary Heritage Resources.
Harvesting means the process of cutting the insured Crops or part thereof from an insured Field for sale or use on the insured farm.
Examples of Harvesting in a sentence
Strategy re: Harvesting in Wildlife Tree Retention Areas: Timber harvesting will not be carried out within a WTRA except for one or more of the following reasons: 1.
More Definitions of Harvesting
Harvesting means physically removing crops or other agricultural products.
Harvesting means physical measures employed directly upon farm, forest, or crops within established agricultural and silviculture lands to bring about their removal from farm or forest land, but does not include the construction of farm or forest roads.
Harvesting means all operations relating to felling or otherwise removing trees and other forest plant growth and preparing them for transport for subsequent processing.
Harvesting means cutting, removing or transporting.
Harvesting means hunting, fishing and trapping by the Native people for the purpose of the capture or killing of individuals of any species of wild fauna, except species from time to time completely protected to ensure the continued existence of that species or a population thereof, for personal and community purposes or for commercial purposes related to the fur trade and commercial fisheries;
Harvesting means the Injury or Destruction of a Tree through cutting or other mechanized means. The term “Harvested” shall have a corresponding meaning;
Harvesting means the destruction of trees and may be either a single cut or a series of cuts, and shall include logging;