Rapid Infiltration Basin definition

Rapid Infiltration Basin. (RIB) means a permeable earthen basin designed and operated to dispense treated domestic wastewater to the surficial aquifer.

Examples of Rapid Infiltration Basin in a sentence

  • Staff requests commission approval to purchase a tractor from Florida Coast Equipment Inc with all necessary attachments for the maintenance of the Rapid Infiltration Basin Site (RIBS) located on Ray Martin Road.

  • The use of short probe holes discussed above should provide the planning engineers enough detail to efficiently design stopes with minimal loss of mineralization.4. Rapid Infiltration Basin Commissioning: In order to reduce delays caused by intercepting perched water, the RIB’s and water handling and water treatment systems need to be functioning at capacity.5. QAQC: Klondex has generated a detailed standard operating procedure (SOP) for QAQC sampling.

  • CBRAP and CBIG Grant GuidanceU.S. EPA CBP 2020 Grant and Cooperative Agreement Grant Guidance:Bio-Solids, Spray Irrigation, Large Monitored Onsite System & Rapid Infiltration Basin DataIt is expected that jurisdiction will annually submit updates to their bio-solids, spray irrigation, large onsite system and rapid infiltration data by December 1st, whenever new data is available.

  • Effective December 1, 2016, Nitrogen (as TN) will be required to be reported as a maximum value on a monthly and annual average basis.Beginning December 1, 2020, the facility will have to meet a 6.0 mg/L Total Nitrogen (as TN) on an annual and monthly average and a 3.0 mg/L Nitrate limit for discharge to the Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB) for emergency use only.

  • CBRAP and CBIG Grant GuidanceU.S. EPA CBP 2020 Grant and Cooperative Agreement Grant Guidance:Bio-Solids, Spray Irrigation, Large Monitored Onsite System & Rapid Infiltration Basin DataThe data are to include, where available, the location (county, latitude and longitude) of application, mass of bio-solids or volume of irrigation/large onsite system/rapid infiltration basin, concentrations of nutrients, and the year of applications.

  • The Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB) construction was completed in 2014.

  • The Director of Environmental Services provided details on the Black Pines water system, the TNRD water metering program, the Little Fort Community Hall water system, Pritchard Wastewater Rapid Infiltration Basin, and the Paul Lake Wastewater projects.

  • Name of Proposed Project: North Bay Water Reuse Project Name of Applicant: Bay County Utility ServicesProject Description: Treated wastewater from Bay County's North Bay wastewater plant is currently discharged into Rapid Infiltration Basin Systems (RIBS), which further treat the wastewater before migrating into the aquifer and surface waters.

  • The new system that the WWTF is converting to is called a Rapid Infiltration Basin System (RIBS).

  • Local Time on Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.” and replace them with “Separate sealed BIDS for the construction of: Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB) Site Remediation will be received by TOWN OF WOLFEBORO at the office of FINANCE DEPARTMENT until 2:00 PM.

Related to Rapid Infiltration Basin

  • Infiltrative surface means designated interface where effluent moves from distribution media or a distribution product into treatment media or original soil. In standard trench or bed systems this will be the interface of the distribution media or product and in-situ soil. Two separate infiltrative surfaces will exist in a mound system and an unlined sand filter, one at the interface of the distribution media and fill sand, the other at the interface of the fill sand and in-situ soil.

  • Infiltration means water other than wastewater that enters a sewer system (including sewer system and foundation drains) from the ground through such means as defective pipes, pipe joints, connections, or manholes. Infiltration does not include, and is distinguished from, inflow.

  • Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.

  • Open type traction battery means a type of battery requiring liquid and generating hydrogen gas released to the atmosphere.

  • Sludge dryer means any enclosed thermal treatment device that is used to dehydrate sludge and that has a maximum total thermal input, excluding the heating value of the sludge itself, of 2,500 Btu/lb of sludge treated on a wet-weight basis.

  • Underground injection means the subsurface emplacement of fluids through a bored, drilled or driven well; or through a dug well, where the depth of the dug well is greater than the largest surface dimension. (See also “injection well”.)

  • Dry cleaning fluid means any non-aqueous liquid product designed and labeled exclusively for use on: fabrics which are labeled "for dry clean only", such as clothing or drapery; or S-coded fabrics. Dry cleaning fluid includes, but is not limited to, those products used by commercial dry cleaners and commercial businesses that clean fabrics such as draperies at the customer's residence or work place. Dry cleaning fluid does not include spot remover or carpet and upholstery cleaner. For the purposes of this definition, S-coded fabric means an upholstery fabric designed to be cleaned only with water-free spot cleaning products as specified by the Joint Industry Fabric Standards Committee.

  • Reservoir means a water impoundment project operated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers that is intended to retain water or delay the runoff of water in a designated surface area of land.

  • Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.

  • Exfiltration means any unauthorized release of data from within an information system. This includes copying the data through covert network channels or the copying of data to unauthorized media.

  • Cold Weather Alert means the notice that PJM provides to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for expected extreme cold weather conditions.

  • Sewage sludge means a solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works as defined in section 6111.01 of the Revised Code. "Sewage sludge" includes, but is not limited to, scum or solids removed in primary, secondary, or advanced wastewater treatment processes. "Sewage sludge" does not include ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator, grit and screenings generated during preliminary treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works, animal manure, residue generated during treatment of animal manure, or domestic septage.

  • Sewage sludge weight means the weight of sewage sludge, in dry U.S. tons, including admixtures such as liming materials or bulking agents. Monitoring frequencies for sewage sludge parameters are based on the reported sludge weight generated in a calendar year (use the most recent calendar year data when the NPDES permit is up for renewal).

  • Surface waters means all waters of the state as defined in G.S. 143-212 except underground waters

  • Underground source of drinking water means an aquifer or its portion:

  • Filtration means a process for removing particulate matter from water by passage through porous media.

  • Injection means the injection of carbon dioxide streams into the storage site;

  • Surface water means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.

  • Potable water means water which meets the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604 for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes.

  • Membrane filtration means a pressure or vacuum driven separation process in which particulate matter larger than one micrometer is rejected by an engineered barrier, primarily through a size exclusion mechanism, and which has a measurable removal efficiency of a target organism that can be verified through the application of a direct integrity test. This definition includes the common membrane technologies of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis.

  • Sand means and includes ordinary sand, other than sand used for prescribed purposes, along with the stones, boulders, pebbles and gravels accumulated in the riverbed by natural phenomenon. Sand shall be referred to as one of the minor minerals specified at serial no. XXVII in the Gazette of India dated 10th February 2015.

  • Vegetation means trees, shrubs, nursery stock and other vegetation and includes the limbs or growth of any Vegetation.

  • Infiltration rate means the rate of water entry into the soil expressed as a depth of water per unit of time (e.g., inches per hour).

  • Geothermal fluid means water in any form at temperatures greater than 120

  • Sedimentation means a process for removal of solids before filtration by gravity or separation.

  • Ethanol blended gasoline means the same as defined in section 214A.1.