Receptor definition
Receptor means enclosed spaces, conduits, protected groundwater sources, drinking and non-drinking water wells, surface water bodies, and public water systems which when impacted by chemicals of concern may result in exposure to humans and aquatic life, explosive conditions or other adverse effects on health, safety and the environment as specified in these rules.
Receptor means any human, plant, animal, or structure which is, or has the potential to be, affected by the release or migration of contaminants. Any well constructed for the purpose of monitoring groundwater and contaminant concentrations shall not be considered a receptor.
Receptor means an approved plumbing fixture or device of such material, shape, and capacity as to adequately receive the discharge from indirect waste piping, so constructed and located as to be readily cleaned.
Examples of Receptor in a sentence
PPD desires to engage the services of the Institution and Principal Investigator for the conduct of a clinical research study entitled “A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3, Parallel-Group Design Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Efgartigimod IV in Adult Participants With Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody Seronegative Generalized Myasthenia Gravis” (“Study”) in accordance with Sponsor’s protocol no.
More Definitions of Receptor
Receptor means environmental resources, including but not limited to, plant and animal species and humans, sensitive environments and habitats, water supply wells, and buildings or locations that have the potential to be, or have actually been, ex- posed to contamination.
Receptor means any human, plant, animal, or structure which is, or has the potential to be,
Receptor or "receptor population" means humans or important ecological resources that are reasonably anticipated to come in contact with chemicals of concern, based on the distribution of the chemicals of concern on the property and the activity patterns of those humans or important ecological resources on or off the property.
Receptor or "receptor population" means humans or important ecological resources that are reasonably anticipated to come in contact with COCs, based on the distribution of the COCs on the property and the activity patterns of those humans or important ecological resources on or off the property.
Receptor means a fixture or device that receives the discharge from indirect or local waste piping.
Receptor means persons, enclosed structures, subsurface utilities, waters of the state, or water supply wells and wellhead protection areas.
Receptor means environmental resources, including but not limited to, plant and animal species and humans, sensitive environments and habitats, water supply wells, and buildings or