Examples of Recycling Cart in a sentence
May be used to refer to a Garbage Cart, Organics Cart or Recycling Cart.
Each residence within the service area will be provided with one Residential Recycling Cart embossed with the City Recycling Logo at the Contractor’s expense.
The Contractor shall collect all Residential Recyclables from Single-Family Residences that are placed in Contractor owned Carts or are boxed or placed in a paper bag next to the Customers’ Recycling Cart.
If a Small Business Garbage Generator elects to receive Recycling Service, Contractor shall provide one 95-gallon Recycling Cart to be collected once per week on the same day as the collection of the Waste Cart.
With delivery of the Recycling Cart upon commencement of subscription Recycling Collection Services, the FRANCHISEE will provide the customer with educational literature describing program recyclable materials, proper cart set out, day of service and steps to reduce contamination.