Transport definition

Transport means the most efficient and available method of conveyance. In all cases, where practical, economy fare will be utilized. If possible, the Insured’s Common Carrier tickets will be used.
Transport or “Transportation” means the most efficient and available method of conveyance, where practical, economy fare will be utilized. If possible, the Covered Person’s common carrier tickets will be used.
Transport means the movement of wastes from the point of generation to any intermediate points, or to the point of ultimate storage, treatment or disposal.

Examples of Transport in a sentence

  • Provided, however, that if the panel is not acceptable to the Authority and the reasons for the same are furnished to the Contractor, the Contractor shall propose to the Authority a revised panel of three (3) names from the firms empaneled as proof consultants by the [Ministry of Road Transport and Highways] for obtaining the consent of the Authority.

  • Transport via vehicles of the seller and transport services (DPD, etc.) is not included in the price list.

  • The buyer must be entered in the Transport Register as the holder of the vehicle.

  • If the Owner is unreachable, the Sitter may: Transport the pet to the Vet or emergency clinic.

  • Unless the lender has stipulated otherwise, the lender will be entered as the vehicle’s owner in the Transport Register.

More Definitions of Transport

Transport means the railcars, buses and other modes of transportation or accommodation provided by RCT in connection with a RCT Land Tour.
Transport means the transmission and any necessary tandem switching of Local Traffic subject to Section 251(b)(5) of the Act from the Point of Interconnection between the two carriers to the terminating carrier's End Office Switch that directly serves the called party, or equivalent facility provided by a carrier other than an incumbent LEC.
TransportThe Parents consent to the Pupil travelling by any form of public transport and / or in a motor vehicle driven by a responsible adult who is duly licensed and insured to drive a vehicle of that type.
Transport or "transportation" means any movement of property and any packing, loading, unloading
Transport means the transfer of cannabis products from the permitted business location of one licensee to the permitted business location of another licensee, for the purposes of conducting commercial cannabis activity authorized by MAUCRSA which may be amended or repealed by any subsequent State of California legislation regarding the same. Transport does not include deliveries of cannabis or cannabis products.
Transport means the carriage of waste by road, rail, air, sea or inland waterways;
Transport means the railcars, buses and other modes of transportation or accommodation provided by a LTO in connection with a Land Tour.