Examples of Referral Provider in a sentence
Because telephone central office boundaries do not necessarily match the boundaries used by an Approved Community Information and Referral Provider, providing 211 Service for the entire area served by a central office may result in the Approved Community Information and Referral Service Provider receiving calls from geographical areas it does not serve.
If a Referral Provider is higher quality and/or lower cost, this component of the program should result in their getting more referrals from PCPs. The converse should be true if Referral Providers are lower quality and/or higher cost.
Information and Referral Provider (I&R Provider) is an organization which helps match people with requested services.
The Company can only provide 2-1-1 Service to one specified telephone number as provided to it by the Approved Information and Service Referral Provider.
De EU is op grond van artikel 192, eerste lid, jo 191, eerste lid, VWEU bevoegd om activiteiten vast te stellen ter behoud, bescherming en verbetering van de kwaliteit van het milieu, ter bescherming van de gezondheid van de mens, voor een behoedzaam en rationeel gebruik van de natuurlijke hulpbronnen, en ter bevordering op internationaal vlak van maatregelen om het hoofd te bieden aan regionale of mondiale milieuproblemen, en in het bijzonder de bestrijding van klimaatverandering.
Aging-state options, service plan delivery, service orders); Referral (Provider, Recipient); IEB (Independent Enrollment Broker); OMNIA (LOCAs); McKesson CERMe (guideline for home health/rehab/inpatient/DME/prior authorization); RAC and UPIC contractor; Labor and Industry (L&I) Employment data set; State Corporation Bureau.
Select the provider under Referral Provider Quicklist to make a referral to the priority list.
Your recommendations could includereferring the employee to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or Referral Provider for professional help.
Compared to the end of 2015:• traffic on its website doubled, reaching between 12,000 and 16,000 monthly visits;• requests and questions sent by email increased from 10 to approximately 40 per week;• the average number of phone calls per day increased from five to between 20 and 40, with as many as 80 calls per day.
Referral Provider shall be liable for money damages suffered by Company resulting from such circumvention.