Relevant Issue Date definition
Examples of Relevant Issue Date in a sentence
On or before the issue date in respect of any Notes (the "Relevant Issue Date"), if the relevant Global Note indicates that it is intended to be a new global note ("New Global Note"), the Global Note will be delivered to a Common Safekeeper (as defined below) for the Relevant Clearing Systems (as defined below).
If the Common Safekeeper as at the Relevant Issue Date ceases to be so eligible after the Relevant Issue Date, the relevant Notes will no longer qualify for Eurosystem eligibility unless a new common safekeeper is appointed who is so eligible.1.8Yield Basis:The Notes may be issued at a discount or may bear fixed or floating rate interest.
Subject as provided in this Condition 6, Condition 7 (Payments), Condition 11 (Taxation), each Note bears interest from (and including) its Relevant Issue Date at the Cash Interest Rate, with the interest being payable quarterly in cash or at the election of the Issuer, in Issuer Shares (whereby Conversion Price B shall apply for the calculation of the relevant number of Issuer Shares).
A Global Note will be exchangeable into definitive notes ("Definitive Notes") only in the circumstances set out in that Global Note.On or before the issue date in respect of any Notes (the "Relevant Issue Date"), if the relevant Global Note indicates that it is intended to be a new global note ("New Global Note"), the Global Note will be delivered to a Common Safekeeper (as defined below) for the Relevant Clearing Systems (as defined below).
Is this:Access to your GP record Extraction of informationfrom your GP record Access to data held about youby another data controller Extraction of information from the GP record6.
Issue Price or Notional Value: The issue price of RM1.00 per CRPS.Conversion Period : The period commencing from the Relevant Issue Date up to 6 marketdays prior to the Maturity Date (both dates inclusive).
Subject to § 11, the Issuer may from time to time, without the consent of the Holders, issue further Notes having the same terms and conditions as the Notes in all respects (or in all respects except for the Relevant Issue Date, interest commencement date and/or issue price) so as to form a single series with the Notes.(2) Purchases.
A Global Note will be exchangeable into definitive notes ("Definitive Notes") only in the circumstances set out in that Global Note.On or before the issue date in respect of any Notes (the "Relevant Issue Date"), if the relevant Global Note indicates that it is intended to be a New Global Note, the Global Note will be delivered to a Common Safekeeper (as defined below) for the Relevant Clearing Systems (as defined below).
The issue of up to US$22,000,000 unsecured convertible notes due on the applicable Maturity Date (as defined below) (the "Notes") of WISeKey International Holding AG (the "Issuer"), a stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft) (company registration number CHE-143.782.707) incorporated under the laws of Switzerland, on June 2021 (the "Initial Issue Date") and any other Relevant Issue Date (as defined below) was authorised by resolutions of the Issuer's board of directors on June 2021.
On or before the issue date in respect of any Notes (the "Relevant Issue Date"), if the relevant Global Note indicates that it is intended to be a New Global Note, the Global Note will be delivered to a Common Safekeeper (as defined below) for the Relevant Clearing Systems (as defined below).