Relevant Registry definition

Relevant Registry means the Registry through which a Party is obliged to perform a Transfer or acceptance of Transfer obligation under and in accordance with an Allowance Transaction. Where a Party has specified more than one Holding Account for Transfer or acceptance purposes, the Relevant Registry shall be identified in accordance with § 4.1(b);
Relevant Registry to a case, means the registry of the Court where the documents relating to the case are being held;
Relevant Registry means a Registry through which either party is obliged to perform a transfer or acceptance obligation under and in accordance with this Agreement. “Příslušný Registr” znamená Registr, jehož prostřednictvím je příslušná smluvní strana povinna provést dodání nebo přijetí na základě a v souladu s touto Smlouvou.

Examples of Relevant Registry in a sentence

  • Relevant Registry operations in this context are: • Transfer of an existing domain, • Deletion of an existing domain, and • Restore of a domain name in Redemption Grace Period.

  • The moveable asset mortgage that is enforceable due to its having been filed in the Registry or Relevant Registry will have priority over a guarantee that was not filed, regardless of the moveable asset contract date or its notarial authentication.Of the moveable asset mortgages not filed with the Registry or Relevant Registry and not required to be filed there by this Law, the mortgage with the earliest notarial authentication date will have priority.

  • The Form used to record the beginning of the creditor’s nonjudicial foreclosure of the moveable asset mortgage in the Registry or Relevant Registry, for those cases in which this Law permits this action.

  • This form is used to record the settlement of the moveable asset mortgage in the Registry or Relevant Registry in those cases in which this Law does not require the formality of a public deed.

  • This form is used to file a moveable asset mortgage in the Registry or Relevant Registry, for those cases in which this Law does not require the formality of a public deed.

More Definitions of Relevant Registry

Relevant Registry means the Public Registry or the Land Registry or any successor registry.".
Relevant Registry means a Registry through which either party is obliged to perform a transfer or acceptance obligation under and in accordance with this Agreement. “Příslušný Registr” znamená Registr, jehož prostřednictvím je příslušná smluvní strana povinna provést dodání nebo přijeti na základě a v souladu s touto Smlouvou. Emission Allowances Agreement / Smlouva o obchodování s emisními povotenkami Page (stránka) 12 from (z) 14 Trading System' means the system of transferring Allowances between either or both of (a) persons within the EU and (b) persons in third countries, in either case as recognized in accordance with, and subject to, the procedure of the Directive established in, and as implemented by the national laws of, any Member State and certain non-Member States. “Obchodní systém’ znamená systém pro převod Povolenek mezi jednou nebo oběma (a) osobami v rámci EU a (b) osobami ze třetích států, v obou případech jak jsou tyto uznány v souladu a za podmínek stanovených podle procesů uvedených ve Směrnici a zřízených v Členských státech a některých ne-Čtenských státech v souladu s jejich národním právem.
Relevant Registry means the Registry through which a party is obliged to perform a delivery or acceptance obligation under and in accordance with an EU Emissions Allowance Transaction. Where a party has specified more than one Specified Holding Account for delivery or acceptance purposes, the Relevant Registry shall be identified in accordance with Section 4(6) of this Supplement.
Relevant Registry means an EU Registry or a Non-EU Registry through which either Party is obliged to perform a Transfer or acceptance obligation under and in accordance with this Agreement;
Relevant Registry means the Registry through which a Party is obliged to perform a Transfer or acceptance of Transfer obligation under and in accordance with an Allowance Transaction. Where a Party has specified more than one Holding
Relevant Registry means the Registry through which a party is obliged to perform a delivery or acceptance obligation under and in accordance with the Conditions.
Relevant Registry means a Registry through which either party is obliged to perform a transfer or acceptance obligation under and in accordance with this Agreement. “Příslušný Registr” znamená Registr, jehož prostřednictvím je příslušná smluvní strana povinna provést dodání nebo přijetí na základě a v souladu s touto Smlouvou. Emission Allowances Agreement / Smlouva o obchodování s emisními povolenkami Page (stránka) 12 from (z) 14