Representative Committee definition
Examples of Representative Committee in a sentence
In addition, nothing herein shall require any Member, Council Representative, Committee Delegate, or any Affiliates of any Member to offer any interest in such Outside Activities to the Council or any other Member.
Anytime a new or existing site is vacant or will soon be vacant, and the Business Enterprise (BE) program has determined that the available site does not have sufficient gross sales to exist as an independent BE facility, the following procedure shall be utilized by the relevant selection committee of the Ohio Vendors Representative Committee to determine to how to attach the available site to an existing facility.
Ohio Vendors Representative Committee (OVRC) - is the group of operators elected from their respective districts in accordance with rule 3304:1-21-12 of the Administrative Code.
No Union Representative, Committee or employee shall be discriminated against or jeopardized in standing or suffer loss of employment on account of membership or activity in the Union.
Elections shall be carried out in the same way as elections of members of the Class Representative Committee are carried out pursuant to Part C.
Elected Class Representatives thereafter elect the President and Vice-President of the Class Representative Committee.
The City agrees that the Chief of Police will meet with a PBA Employee Representative Committee semi-annually, or more frequently if agreed to by the parties.
Monthly, Teamsters shall notify County Fire of the employee representative who attended the previous Employee Representative Committee meeting.
Human Resources Legislative Representative Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Representative Operations Supervisor Operations Representative Committee contact information will be posted in sufficient work locations so that every bargaining unit employee has full access to that information.
Board and the Member Representatives Committee at respective meetings of the board and the Members Representative Committee at which a quorum is present.