Required contribution rate means that percentage of the basic salary of all judges covered under this article equal to the actuarially required contribution rate determined by the actuary pursuant to section 602.9116.
Required contribution rate means that percentage of the covered wages of members in regular service, members described in section 97B.49B, and members described in section 97B.49C, that the system shall, for each fiscal year, separately set for members in each membership category as provided in this paragraph. The required contribution rate that is set by the system for a membership category shall be the contribution rate the system actuarially determines, based upon the most recent actuarial valuation of the system and using the actuarial methods, assumptions, and funding policy approved by the investment board, is the rate required by the system to discharge its liabilities as a percentage of the covered wages of members in that membership category. However, the required contribution rate set by the system for members in regular service for a fiscal year shall not vary by more than one percentage point from the required contribution rate for the prior fiscal year.
Required contribution rate means that percentage
Examples of Required contribution rate in a sentence
Required contribution rate of the employer in accordance with the funding policy, in dollars.
The Continuing Disclosure Agreements also requires TOS to provide notice of Material Events, within the meaning of the Rule, within ten business days of occurrence of the Material Event.
Required contribution rate for the years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012 was 5.3% and 5.0%, respectively.
Sensational media reporting of incidents involving isolated and horrifying acts of violence contributes to distorted perceptions, and pushes the system toward adopting unproductive measures in response.
More Definitions of Required contribution rate
Required contribution rate means that percentage of the covered wages of members in regular service, members described in section 97B.49B, and members described in section 97B.49C, that the system shall, for each fiscal year, separately set for members in each mem- bership category as provided in this paragraph. The required contribution rate for a member- ship category shall be the contribution rate the system actuarially determines, based upon the
Required contribution rate means that percentage of the basic salary of all judges cov- ered under this article which the actuary of the system determines is necessary, using the pro- jected unit credit method in accordance with generally recognized and accepted actuarial principles and practices set forth by the American academy of actuaries, to amortize the un- funded actuarial liability of the judicial retirement system within twenty years equal to the ac- tuarially required contribution rate determined by the actuary pursuant to section 602.9116.
Required contribution rate means that percentage of the covered wages of members in regular service, members described in section 97B.49B, and members described in section 97B.49C, that the system shall, for each fiscal year, separately set
Required contribution rate means the percent of Compensation required as the normal contribution, plus the percent of Compensation required to pay interest on the excess of actuarial liabilities net of adjusted assets, plus an allowance for anticipated administrative expenses expressed as a percent of Compensation, all as shown on the actuarial valuation prepared by the actuary for the Fund.
Required contribution rate means that percentage of the basic salary of all judges covered under this article which, in addition to the judge’s contribution established in subsec- tion 1, the actuary of the system determines is necessary,using the projected unit credit meth- od in accordance with generally recognized and accepted actuarial principles and practices set forth by the American academy of actuaries, to maintain fully funded status amortize the unfunded actuarial liability of the judicial retirement system within twenty years.
Required contribution rate means, in relation to any Plan Year:
Required contribution rate being the greater of the EANC and the PBSA Contribution Rate so identified;