Required Supply Time definition

Required Supply Time means the time at which the Seller must commence delivery of the Marine Fuels pursuant to Clause 5(c), 5(d) or 5(e) (Delivery), as applicable.
Required Supply Time means the time at which the Seller must commence delivery of the Marine Fuels pursuant

Related to Required Supply Time

  • Self Supply LSE means a Load Serving Entity in one or more Mitigated Capacity Zones that operates under a long-standing business model to meet more than fifty percent of its Load obligations through its own generation and that is (i) a municipally owned electric system that was created by an act of one or more local governments pursuant to the laws of the State of New York to own or control distribution facilities and/or provide electric service, (ii) a cooperatively owned electric system that was created by an act of one or more local governments pursuant to the laws of State of New York or otherwise created pursuant to the Rural Electric Cooperative Law of New York to own or control distribution facilities and/or provide electric service, (iii) a “Single Customer Entity,” or (iv) a “Vertically Integrated Utility.” A Self Supply LSE cannot be an entity that is a public authority or corporate municipal instrumentality created by the State of New York (including a subsidiary of such an authority or instrumentality) that owns or operates generation or transmission and that is authorized to produce, transmit or distribute electricity for the benefit of the public unless it meets the criteria provided in section (i), (ii), or (iii) of this definition. For purposes of this definition only: “Vertically Integrated Utility” means a utility that owns generation, includes such generation in a non-bypassable charge in its regulated rates, earns a regulated return on its investment in such generation, and that as of the date of its request for a Self Supply Exemption, has not divested more than seventy-five percent of its generation assets owned on May 20, 1996; and “Single Customer Entity” means an LSE that serves at retail only customers that are under common control with such LSE, where such control means holding 51% or more of the voting securities or voting interests of the LSE and all its retail customers.

  • CONTRACT END DATE Contract performance shall terminate as of December 31, 2027, with no new obligations being incurred after this date unless the Contract is properly amended, provided that the terms of this Contract and performance expectations and obligations shall survive its termination for the purpose of resolving any claim or dispute, for completing any negotiated terms and warranties, to allow any close out or transition performance, reporting, invoicing or final payments, or during any lapse between amendments. CERTIFICATIONS: Notwithstanding verbal or other representations by the parties, the “Effective Date” of this Contract or Amendment shall be the latest date that this Contract or Amendment has been executed by an authorized signatory of the Contractor, the Department, or a later Contract or Amendment Start Date specified above, subject to any required approvals. The Contractor certifies that they have accessed and reviewed all documents incorporated by reference as electronically published and the Contractor makes all certifications required under the Standard Contract Form Instructions and Contractor Certifications under the pains and penalties of perjury, and further agrees to provide any required documentation upon request to support compliance, and agrees that all terms governing performance of this Contract and doing business in Massachusetts are attached or incorporated by reference herein according to the following hierarchy of document precedence, the applicable Commonwealth Terms and Conditions, this Standard Contract Form, the Standard Contract Form Instructions and Contractor Certifications, the Request for Response (RFR) or other solicitation, the Contractor’s Response (excluding any language stricken by a Department as unacceptable, and additional negotiated terms, provided that additional negotiated terms will take precedence over the relevant terms in the RFR and the Contractor’s Response only if made using the process outlined in 801 CMR 21.07, incorporated herein, provided that any amended RFR or Response terms result in best value, lower costs, or a more cost effective Contract.

  • Preferred Supplier means a person named in Schedule F;

  • Gas supply service means the provision to customers of the

  • UNICEF Supply Website means UNICEF's public access webpage available at, as may be updated from time to time.

  • Basic gas supply service means gas supply service that is