Reserve B definition
Examples of Reserve B in a sentence
Reserve B DAS can only be used in an approved SAP, as specified in§ 648.85.(B) Calculation.
The league shall conduct a series of 18 (or such number as the BFNL shall from time to time determine) home and away matches for Senior, Reserve and Under 18 Grades of Football and A, A Reserve, B, B Reserve and 17/U Netball.
These forest reserves are the last domain for two of the most endangered primates in Africa – the Roloway Guenon (Cercopithecus diana roloway) and the white-naped mangabey (Cercocebus atys lunulatus) (Oates 2006).The objective of this study was to develop a strategy for forest connectivity in Reserve A and Reserve B to improve the sustainability of cocoa production and the livelihoods of smallholder cocoa farmers.
Awards from Reserve A and Reserve B may be granted only to Employees who were not employed by or providing service to any Participating Company (other than Macromedia, Inc.
Reserve A and Reserve B reflect the unused share reserves and potential reversions to such reserves, as of the Effective Date, with respect to the following equity incentive plans that were maintained by Macromedia, Inc.
None of the “A” units are actually “B” units in “50-50” projects, or projects which have half Reserve “A” and half Reserve “B,” type units, which may receive all project allotments from Reserve “A.” 2) The number of entitlements, if any, that remained unallotted in (1) Reserve "A" and (2) Reserve "B" during the time period.
Unless oth- erwise restricted under the Regular B DAS Program as described in§ 648.85(b)(6)(i), vessels may fish under both a Regular B DAS and a Reserve B DAS on the same trip (i.e., when fish- ing in an approved SAP as described in§ 648.85(b)).
Other Equity* Note As at March 31, 2021₹ In Lakhs As at March 31, 2020₹ In LakhsGeneral Reserve A 3,015.27 3,015.27Securities Premium Reserve B 5,302.25 5,302.25Other comprehensive Income (139.06) (76.47)Retained Earnings C 1,093.25 596.44 9,271.71 8,837.49 * Refer Statement of Changes in equity for additions / deletions in each reserve.
In the process, two protected areas [Bia Conservation Area (Reserve A) and Krokosua Hills Forest Reserve (Reserve B)] of biodiversity importance in the Western region of Ghana have been encroached through lumbering for timber, cocoa production and other agricultural land expansions (Oates et al.
Beginning with the 2005 fishing year, for vessels with a balance of both unused Category A DAS and unused Category B DAS at the end of the pre- vious fishing year (e.g., for the 2005 fishing year, carry-over DAS from the 2004 fishing year), Category A DAS will be carried over first, than Regular B DAS, than Reserve B DAS.