Examples of Reserve Vehicle in a sentence
This cost will be fully supported by the Police Reserve Vehicle Replacement fund (002).
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen (3-0-0)Recommended by the Budget Committee (8-0-0) Article 14 – This article will add to the Highway Truck Capital Reserve Vehicle Fund to potentially enable the purchase/lease purchase of a truck or trucks in the future.
The analysis of earmarked reserves is shown below:Earmarked Reserves Corporate Earmarked Reserves Capital Reserves Budget Managers' Earmarked Reserves Collaboration Reserve Vehicle Appliance Reserve Total General ReservesGeneral Reserves are those revenue reserves which have been created and are not specifically earmarked for expenditure.The table below details the transfers to the General Reserve during 2019/20.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty-three Thousand Dollars ($23,000) to be added to the Highway Department Capital Reserve Vehicle Fund previously established for the purpose of funding future capital expenditures as described in the recommended 2020-2025 Capital Improvements Program.
In the event of an error in the Reserve, Vehicle must be withdrawn from the sale and relisted in a new sale.
Language modeling for agglutinative languages need to be different than language modeling of languages like English.
If you require access via/through a public reserve in order to construct/carry out your development, you will also need to complete a Public Reserve Vehicle Access Application form (available at Council's Customer Service Centre and on Council's website) and pay the required application fee.2. You will also need to complete a separate application form - Application for Approval under Section 68 Local Government Act and Section 138 Roads Act 1993 prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate.