Examples of Resolution Scheme in a sentence
Any dispute between the Distributor and the Trader relating to the existence or allocation of liability under section 46A of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 must be dealt with by each party in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Scheme or, if the dispute is not accepted by the scheme, the parties must deal with the dispute in accordance with clause 23.
If after discussing the complaint with the Credit Union, the Member is still not satisfied, the Member may contact the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, or you have not heard from us within 45 days, you may refer the matter to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an ASIC-approved External Dispute Resolution Scheme.
The Credit Union is a member of the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme operated by the Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) which is approved by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.
However, in any event, the Distributor will complete its investigation and provide information to the Retailer so that the Retailer can offer a resolution to the Consumer within the timelines set out in the Dispute Resolution Scheme and avoid referral to the Office of the Electricity and Gas Complaints Commission.
If so, the dispute may be resolved by the Home Buyer applying to the Consumer Code’s Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme.
Introduction to the Consumer Code Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme A dispute may arise where a Home Buyer believes the Home Builder has failed to meet the Code’s Requirements but it falls outside the Home Warranty Body’s resolution scheme for defects or damage.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the matter to the Credit & Investments Ombudsman, an ASIC-approved External Dispute Resolution Scheme.
However, in any event, the Distributor must complete its investigation and provide information to the Trader so that the Trader can offer a resolution to the Customer within the timelines set out in the Dispute Resolution Scheme.
There is an alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme available enabling an independent adjudicator to decide on any dispute.