Responsible for interactions with the Balancing Market definition

Responsible for interactions with the Balancing Market means interactions with the Balancing Mechanism in electricity.

Related to Responsible for interactions with the Balancing Market

  • Persons with Special Needs means Person with special needs as defined in Section 420.0004(13), F.S.

  • Public nuisance means a building that is a menace to the public health, welfare, or safety, or that is structurally unsafe, unsanitary, or not provided with adequate safe egress, or that constitutes a fire hazard, or is otherwise dangerous to human life, or that in relation to the existing use constitutes a hazard to the public health, welfare, or safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment. “Public nuisance” includes buildings with blighting characteristics as defined by Iowa Code section 403.2.

  • Transit village means a community with a bus, train, light rail,

  • Regulated motor vehicle surface means any of the following, alone or in combination: