Examples of Restricted Asset in a sentence
Restricted Asset CategoryCurrent Year8 Total Non- admittedRestricted9 Total Admitted Restricted (5 minus 8)Percentage 10 Gross (Admitted & Non- admitted) Restricted to TotalAssets (c) 11 Admitted Restricted to Total Admitted Assets (d)a.
Restricted Asset CategoryGross (Admitted & Nonadmitted) RestrictedCurrent Year6712345 Total General Account (G/A)G/A Supporting Protected Cell Account Activity(a) Total Protected Cell Account Restricted AssetsProtected Cell Account Assets Supporting G/A Activity (b) Total (1 plus 3) Total From PriorYear Increase/ (Decrease) (5minus 6)a.
Restricted Asset CategoryGross RestrictedCurrent Year6712345 Total General Account (G/A) G/A Supporting Protected Cell Account Activity (a) Total Protected Cell Account Restricted Assets Protected Cell Account Assets Supporting G/A Activity (b) Total (1 plus 3) Total from Prior Year Increase/ (Decrease) (5 minus 6)a, Subject to contractual obligation for whichliability is not shown$0$0$0$0$0$0$0b.
Restricted Asset CategoryGross Restricted 8PercentageCurrent Year 6 7 9 1012345Total General Account (G/A)G/A Supporting Protected Cell Account Activity (a)Total Protected Cell Account Restricted AssetsProtected Cell Account Assets Supporting G/AActivity (b)Total (1 plus 3)Total From Prior YearIncrease / (Decrease) (5minus 6)Total Current Year Admitted RestrictedGross Restricted to Total AssetsAdmitted Restricted to Total Admitted Assetsa.
Unless and until any such Consent is obtained, such Restricted Asset shall not constitute a Purchased Asset and any associated Liability shall not constitute an Assumed Liability for any purpose hereunder.