Examples of Retained Hotels in a sentence
Although the Retained Hotels may continue to be owned by the Remaining Group if the Retained Hotels are not to be acquired by HK Hotel REIT pursuant to the Option Deed, the Remaining Group will focus on property development and investment, treasury management, hotel operations, hotel development, hotel redevelopment and (outside Hong Kong and the PRC only) hotel owning business, while HK Hotel REIT will focus on the hotel owning business in Hong Kong and the PRC.
Accordingly, HK Hotel REIT will not own any of the Retained Hotels as at the Listing Date.
In addition, Call Options will be granted to the REIT Manager and the Trustee (both on behalf of HK Hotel REIT) in respect of each of the five Retained Hotels.
There is controversy as outlined in this website <http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/you%20are%20what%20you%20eat.html> (retrieved May 24, 2010) with regard to whether it has a dietary meaning (to be fit and healthy you need good food), or a religious meaning (Roman Catholics believe that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are changed into the body and blood of Jesus).
HK Hotel REIT will also have the option to acquire the Retained Hotels to be redeveloped, renovated or converted by the Group in Hong Kong and the PRC.
However, there are certain circumstances which may lead to ownership of hotel assets by the Remaining Group such as immediately after the completion of the development or re-development work of hotel properties located in Hong Kong or the PRC.The Directors intend to, after the completion of the Spin-off, dispose of the Retained Hotels and the Completed Hotels (as defined below) to HK Hotel REIT or any other parties within an appropriate timeframe at reasonable prices and terms.
Despite the UK Government increasing its commitment to CDC with some£3.8bn of funds towards managed assets, there are limited investment opportunities from CDC between the much needed £500k to £5m ticket size which is where AFFORD and other diaspora organisations see the most amount of investment need and opportunity for growth.
Bechaz K, Murfit M, Bange G, Rathjen T, Dreccer F, Muller W, Fletcher A, Zheng B, Wang E, Zhao Z, Fettell N (2019) Establishing a value proposition for future traits in a climate-changing world.
The new management agreements for the Retained Hotels will contain provisions allowing the owners of the Retained Hotels to terminate the management agreements after 5 years, without charge or penalty, upon the sale of the Retained Hotels; provided that the purchaser of such Retained Hotels shall have entered into Hyatt’s standard franchise agreement, on such terms and conditions to be reasonably agreed upon by Hyatt and the purchaser of such Retained Hotel.
Within 60 days of the Primary Closing, the Purchaser and the Retained Hotel Owners will execute new management agreements for the Retained Hotels, subject to approval by the lenders of the Retained Hotels.