Retention time definition
Examples of Retention time in a sentence
Retention time shall be extended when an audit is scheduled or in progress for a period reasonably necessary to complete an audit and/or to complete any administrative and judicial litigation which may ensue.
Retention time shall be extended when an audit is scheduled or in progress for a period reasonably necessary to complete an audit and/or to complete any administrative proceeding or litigation which may ensue.
Retention time for these records shall be for a minimum of five (5) years after the conclusion of this agreement.
Retention time shall be extended when an audit is schedule or in progress for a period reasonably necessary to complete an audit and/or to complete any administrative and judicial litigation which may ensue.
RRT = RTcRTis where: RTc = Retention time of the target compound, seconds RTis = Retention time of the internal standard, seconds.
RT: Retention time (min).SFA: Saturated Fatty Acids.MUFA: Mono-unsaturated Fatty Acids.
Retention time shall be extended when an audit is scheduled or in progress for a period reasonably necessary to complete an audit and/or to complete any administrative and judicial litigation which may ensure.
Retention time (tR), peak area, peak base width, peak asymmetry (b/a) and signal-to- noise (S/N) values for each analysis were obtained by processing the raw data in TargetLynx.
The main objectives of community based conservation are to enhance wildlife or biodiversity conservation and to provide incentives, normally economic, for local people (2).
Retention time windows for each isomer group can be determined with the column performance standard (Section 6.2.8).