Revenue ton mile definition

Revenue ton mile means the movement of one net ton of property or persons, or both, the distance of one mile, for consider- ation. For carriage of persons, each person shall be considered the equivalent of 150 pounds, and the average weight of the contents of head end cars, or “baggage cars,” is considered to be 4 tons.
Revenue ton mile means one ton of revenue traffic transported one mile. Revenue ton-miles are computed by multiplying the aircraft-miles flown on each flight stage by the number of pounds of revenue traffic carried on that flight stage and converted to ton-miles by dividing total revenue pound- miles by 2,000 pounds. 23 This weight may be found in the airplane operating record or in the airplane flight manual which is incorporated by regulation into the airworthiness certificate.24 Empty weight is defined in section 03 of part 241 as follows: the weight of the airframe, engines, propellers, and fixedequipment. Empty weight excludes the weight of the crew and payload, but includes the weight of all fixed ballast, unusable fuel supply, undrainable oil, total quantity of engine coolant, and total quantity of hydraulic fluid.25 Assumes VFR weather conditions and flights not involving extended overwater operations.26 The maximum zero fuel weight is the maximum permissible weight of an airplane with no disposable fuel or oil. The zero fuel weight figure may be found in the FAA's type certificate data sheets, and/or in FAA-approved flight manuals.
Revenue ton mile means the amount of revenue derived from the number of tons hauled over a distance of one mile.

Examples of Revenue ton mile in a sentence

  • S729-v-1*1 (4) The term "revenue Revenue ton mile" means one mile.

  • Th e ze r o fu el weig h t fig ur e m ay be fo un d i n t h e F AA’s t y pe ce r t ific a t e d a t a s h ee t s, an d/o r i n F AA- a pp r oved flig h t m anua ls.( q) Revenue seat- miles available m e an s t h e a i r c raf t - m iles flow n o n e a c h flig h t s t a ge m u l t iplied b y t h e nu m be r of se a t s a v a il a ble fo r s a le o n t ha t flig h t s t a ge.( r ) Revenue ton- mile m e an s o n e t o n of r eve nu e t raffic t ran spo r t ed o n e m ile.

  • DRS45435-TMx-11E*1 (4) The term "revenue Revenue ton mile" means one mile.

  • DRH20405-TMx-11F*1 (4) The term "revenue Revenue ton mile" means one mile.

More Definitions of Revenue ton mile

Revenue ton mile means one ton of revenue traffic transported one mile. Revenue ton-miles are computed by sum­ mation of the products of the revenue aircraft-miles flown on each flight stage multiplied by the number of revenue tons carried on that stage. (A standard weight of 200 pounds per passenger may be used in the computation.)
Revenue ton mile means one ton of revenue traffic transported one mile. Revenue ton-miles are computed by multiplying the aircraft-miles flown on each flight stage by the number of pounds of revenue traffic carried on that flight stage and converted to ton- miles by dividing total revenue pound- miles by 2,000 pounds.

Related to Revenue ton mile

  • Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.