One mile definition
Examples of One mile in a sentence
A city may, by ordinance, extend the application of a city's zoning regulations to any quarter quarter section of unincorporated territory if a majority of the quarter quarter section is located within the following distance of the corporate limits of the city: (1) One mile [1.61 kilometers] if the city has a population of fewer than five thousand.
No. 18 in Tp. No. 2 North of Range No. 38 East of Boise Meridian, thence running West 1 mile to the Center of Section No. 13 in Tp. No. 2 North Range No. 37 East of B.M. thence South 1¾ of a mile, thence East One mile, thence North 1¼ of a mile to the Center of said Section no.
One mile [1.61 kilometers] if the city has a population of less fewer than five thousand.
The following defines "reasonable distance": One mile as defined by the New York State Education Department, unless transportation either public, or private is available.
Davis reported back pain just two days after the accident and has not returned to normal duties since the accident despite undergoing conservative treatments such as physical therapy.
Parts per trillion:● One square foot of floor tile on a kitchen floor the size of Indiana.● One drop of detergent in enough dishwater to fill a train of railroad tank cars 10 miles long.● One mile on a two-month journey at the speed of light.
One mile of shoreline was so full of old tires, it took more than a month to clean—one small boatload at a time.
One mile is considered an easy driving and walking (or biking) distance and therefore the civic places within this distance should have the most affect on the area.
To each quarter quarter section of unincorporated territory the majority of which is located within one-half One mile [.80 kilometer 1.61 kilometers] of its limits in any direction if it is a the city having has a population of less than five thousand.
Apply in person at SCF Weber Marine, LLC10148 Hwy 44, Convent LA One mile South of Sunshine Bridge.