Examples of Review Entity in a sentence
Subsequent Appeals for traditional Medicare A and B services will be automatically forwarded to the Medicare Independent Review Entity (IRE) by the Contractor.
If the Medicare Part D Sponsor has not provided an answer within 24 hours after receiving a request, or, for an exceptions request, 24 hours after receipt of the Prescriber’s supporting statement, the request will be automatically forwarded to an independent organization called an Independent Review Entity (IRE) for review.
If the Medicare Part D Sponsor has not provided an answer within 72 hours after receiving a request, or, for an exceptions request, 72 hours after receipt of the Prescriber’s supporting statement, the request will be automatically forwarded to an independent organization called an Independent Review Entity (IRE) for review.
For expedited external Appeals, the CMS Independent Review Entity will send the Enrollee and the Contractor a letter with its decision within 72 hours after it receives the case from the Contractor, or at the end of up to a 14 calendar day extension.
If the CMS Independent Review Entity decides in the Enrollee’s favor, the Contractor must authorize or provide the service under dispute as expeditiously as the Enrollee’s health condition requires but no later than 72 hours from the date the Contractor receives the notice reversing the decision.
The justification must be signed and certified by the Institutional Biosafety Committee or other appropriate Institutional Review Entity whose role includes review of research involving agents covered under the Policy before an award can be issued.
If the CMS Independent Review Entity decides in the Enrollee’s favor and reverses the Contractor’s decision, the Contractor must authorize the service under dispute within 72 hours from the date the Contractor receives the review entity’s notice reversing the Contractor’s decision, or provide the service under dispute as expeditiously as the Enrollee’s health condition requires, but no later than 14 calendar days from the date of the notice.
For standard external Appeals, the CMS Independent Review Entity will send the Enrollee and the Contractor a letter with its decision within 30 calendar days after it receives the case from the Contractor, or at the end of up to a 14 calendar day extension.
The DURC Internal Review Entity (IRE) has determined that this research does not meet the DURC definition and that no additional review and oversight under the USG Policy for Institutional Oversight of DURC are required.
State Aid State aid is characterised as all of the following: the provision of state resources to an economic undertaking; that confers an advantage on the undertaking that the undertaking would not have obtained in normal market conditions; that is selective in nature; and must be capable of distorting competition and affecting trade between Member States.