Examples of Evaluation Entity in a sentence
Information about Evaluation Entity The University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation is an interdisciplinary institute at a premier public research university.
Both the Patent Pool and the Patent Forum would be supported bya unique scheme certifying essential patents, i.e. a Patent Evaluation Entity (PEE).
During the Chairman’s dialogue with Senior Executives of the par - ticipating companies, some points of detail were raised which in no way diminished the view of the members of the UMTS IPR WG that the Patent Evaluation Entity (PEE) is indispensable to any collective arrangement and strongly confirmed the opinion that, even if it is not possible to devise a scheme to which the majorityof the participating companies could agree, the PEE is indispensa - ble in its own right.
Before considering the fourth option, the indispensability of the Patent Evaluation Entity (PEE) is recognised as a pre-requisite to any " ETSI+ " approach, and this is true for the fourth option.
This goal is attainable: the fact that we made a significant breakthrough in defining a single Patent Evaluation Entity (an Essential Patent Certifying scheme) and that two new innovative approaches were proposed is a very good example of “when there is a will there is a way”.Before a workable industry-wide approach could be fully defined, an industyr dialogue would be required on several taboo issues which were precisely artic-u lated in the Interim Report.
Team 3 will define the way in which the Patent Evaluation Entity will operate from receipt of essentiality claim to certification or rejection, appeal procedure, temporary suspension, permanent withdrawal.
It might also be productive for the Licensing Administrator to undertake the administration associated with the Patent Evaluation Entity (refer to Section 11 of this Report which outlinessome of the administrative mechanisms required to meet the com - ments made by some Senior Executives).
Each Departmental element is required to report and submit an annual Assurance Memorandum, which captures the results of their annual FMA Evaluation, Entity Evaluation, and FMS Evaluation.
The Management Entity will not have a vote in the selection process for an Evaluation Entity if one is to be selected through a competitive process but is able to participate in review and discussion.
The Management Entity must provide access to a selected Third-Party Evaluation Entity as needed to conduct its work, including to Management Entity staff and materials.