Rice Mill definition

Rice Mill means the place of milling of paddy and receipt of rice.
Rice Mill means the plant and machinery with which, and the premises including the precincts thereof in which or in any part of which, rice milling operation is carried on;

Examples of Rice Mill in a sentence

  • In case of increase in volume, the security amount will be enhanced accordingly.The security deposit shall be refunded to the party after the successful completion of the contract and obtaining “No dues certificate from Manager, Markfed Modern Rice Mill at Nawanshahar.

  • The successful tenderer shall have to deposit an amount of Rs. 1 lac as security in the shape of bank draft / bank guarantee in favour of Markfed Modern Rice Mill, Nawanshahr, payable at Nawanshahr within three days of acceptance of offer.

  • Any deviation from quantity & quality of the supplied paddy and that converted into rice or shortage in the stock shall be deemed as misappropriation by the respective Rice Mill and the Owners / Partners / Directors and/or the legal heir(s) of the said Rice Mill along with the persons directly responsible for such misappropriation shall be liable to be prosecuted against as per the relevant provisions of law.

  • Rice Mill Jakhal & Rania are having par boiled facilityThe parties who are interested in running of Rice Mills may give their consent on the terms & conditions detailed below and may apply for the same in the prescribed proforma annexed herewith.

  • The paddy delivered to the Rice Millis a property of Government and it shall be deemed that the Rice Mill has been entrusted with the same for converting into rice and to supply the same as directed.

  • In order to prevent any spillage while offering CMR by the Rice Mill the mouth of each gunny bag should be double lined machine stitched or as maybe instructed by the First Part from time to time.

  • Rice Mill- Any manufacturing plants and all associated facilities that are involved in processing rough rice to produce rice related products.

  • This provision may be invoked if the delay cannot be reasonably justified by the Rice Mill.

  • Notwithstanding, anything mentioned in the table above, Department shall have the right to increase/change the value of Bank Guarantee depending upon the paddy handed over to the Rice Mill at any point of time of the KMS and the concerned Rice Mill shall be bound to execute that within 07 ( seven) days.

  • The milled rice so produced by the concerned Rice Mill shall have to be packed in SBT new gunny bags or in HDPE/PP bags in the weight of 50 kg net.

Related to Rice Mill

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  • Opium poppy means the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L., except the seeds thereof.

  • Cropland means land used for the production of adapted crops for harvest, alone or in a rotation with grasses and legumes, and includes row crops, small grain crops, hay crops, nursery crops, orchard crops, and other similar specialty crops.

  • Greenfield means land not developed beyond agricultural, range, or forestry use.

  • Green means products, materials, methods and processes certified by a “Green Authority” that conserve natural resources, reduce energy or water consumption, avoid toxic or other polluting emissions or otherwise minimize environmental impact.

  • Spring means a source of water where an aquifer comes in contact with the ground surface.

  • SRS means the scheme referred to by the Ministry of Finance as the Supplementary Retirement Scheme or such other scheme as shall replace or supersede the Supplementary Retirement Scheme from time to time.

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

  • SPEX means Special Licensure Examination prepared by the Federation of State Medical Boards and administered by a licensing authority in any jurisdiction. The passing score on SPEX is 75.

  • Edge of any water means the outer edge of the water's bankfull width or, where applicable, the outer edge of the associated channel migration zone.

  • Summer Season in any year, means the Season commencing on 01 April in that year;

  • DS Electric generation service that is provided at retail pursuant to the Applicable Legal Authorities under the Company’s retail electric tariffs and under any other agreements or arrangements between the Company and Customers, to any Customer that is not being served by an EGS. Default Allocation Assessment – shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the PJM Agreements. Delivery Period – The delivery period specified in an Appendix C Transaction Confirmation. Delivery Point – Means the applicable zone of the Company as designated by PJM. DS Customer(s) – Retail customers who are provided Default Service pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Applicable Legal Authorities and the Company’s retail tariffs.

  • cannabis resin means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from any plant of the genus Cannabis;

  • SANAS means the South African National Accreditation System;

  • Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel.

  • SOFRi means the SOFR for:

  • Mill means the steel rolling mill or xxxxx to be erected on the works site.

  • Poppy straw means all parts, except the seeds, of the opium poppy, after mowing.

  • River means a flowing body of water or a portion or tributary of a flowing body of water, including streams, creeks, or impoundments and small lakes thereon.

  • foreshore , in relation to a port, means the area between the high-water mark and the low-water mark relating to that port;

  • Drywell means an unlined or partially lined underground pit (regardless of geometry) into which drainage from roofs, basement floors, water softeners or other non-wastewater sources is discharged and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil.

  • TELRIC means Total Element Long-Run Incremental Cost.

  • Pioneer or the "Company" means Pioneer Natural Resources Company and its subsidiaries.

  • snippet means a legally binding agreement (made pursuant to the provisions of this Framework Agreement) for the provision of Goods and Services made between a Contracting Body and the Supplier comprising of an Order Form and the Call-Off Terms as may be amended pursuant to Paragraph 3.1.2 of Framework Schedule 5 (Ordering Procedure);","size":50,"snippetLinks":[{"key":"legally-binding-agreement","type":"clause","offset":[8,33]},{"key":"the- provisions-of-this","type":"clause","offset":[52,74]},{"key":"framework-agreement","type":"definition","offset":[75,94]},{"key":"provision-of-goods-and-services","type":"clause","offset":[104,135]},{"key":"contracting-body","type":"definition","offset":[151,167]},{"key":"the-supplier","type":"clause","offset":[172,184]},{"key":"order-